Untitled Part 17

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A week later.

(Just a heads up the basketball team at their school is progressive than the football team only some members are homophobic/transphobic.)

The basketball team was playing against their rivals.

Someone suggested tagging their rival's school statue.

A guy named Dennis Ambhon he's a freshman also he's Mateo's younger brother, their family likes basketball.

All the black teammates so no they didn't want to get arrested same with the Latino ones and the one Indigenous member .

"What about you Janson. "Said Dennis

"I'll get deported back to Canada so count me out . "Said Janson. 

"But your here legally. "Said Dennis.

"Count me out of it also my parents would be angry, so would my siblings also Salem would mad too. "Said Janson.

"What about you Luna. "Said Dennis.

"Nope. "Said Luna.

"Why not. "Said Denis.

"My ma and dad would be mad so would my brothers also Jules would be mad that I allowed you to talk me into something so stupid. "Said Luna.

"It's true also besides me getting arrested or shot, Luna would be upset and so would my family. "Said Jules.

Dennis asked Ian again even those he said didn't wanna get shot or arrested.

"My dad and pops would be mad also Sebastian would be angry that I did something so stupid so would my siblings. "Said Ian.

"So all that stopped you four is your parents getting upset and your boyfriends being mad. "Said Dennis.

"As captain no one tagging anything or I'm telling coach. "Said Mateo.

"Just because you're the captain doesn't mean you can tell me what to do. "Said Dennis.

"I'll call mom if you even think of doing this . "Said Mateo.

"Fine you guys are no fun ."Said Dennis.

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