Chapter Four

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"So, what's your big plan to get your mom to let you out this time?"

You put your hand on your chin as you think about it, but really, after going through almost every trick in the book, there wasn't much else to attempt.

"I'm sure I'll come up with something," you murmur, though your pet snake looks at you skeptically.

"Like the last plan?" she retorts. "And the plan before that? And the plan from two weeks ago?"

You shot her a look. "Okay, okay, I get it. My mom is stubborn. But, lucky her, she has an equally stubborn daughter. She can't keep me locked in here forever."

"Well, she certainly has already," says Xena. "She treats you like a pet or something."

"She's just caring for me."

"She's got a funny way of showing it, too."

That left you silent. It wasn't arguable content, any stupid person could see that.

"I don't know what to do, Xe," you admitted, sitting back down on the floor. "I'm running out of options."

"Well..." she slid closer to you. "What if you were to just...leave on your own?"

You nodded a little bit. "Yeah, I could do that." But even that idea had a small problem. "But I don't know my way around. I'd probably get lost and not even make it to where I wanna go."

"Hm. If only some random stranger were to show up out of nowhere, right?"

You let out a laugh, the idea of that happening bringing a little humor to you as you rested in the palm of your hand.

"Yeah. If only."


"Oh, not again," Loki moans, irritation seeping through his voice as his hand comes up to rip yet another poster of him off the tree, a warrant for his arrest, thanks to all the thievery he's gotten himself into.

That last mission was way too close. Actually entering the palace to steal two of the most important treasures inside of it was a surefire way to get caught by some palace guards, and if that ever were to occur, there was a heavy chance that Loki would be taking the fall while his two so called "companies" got away without a scratch.

And the treasure.

"We're sure to be caught soon at this rate."

They both ignored his statement, discussing something amongst each other, that is, until the sound of horses galloping in an approaching proximity made their heads snap up to look behind them.

Sure enough, there was a group of Einherjar--which was the proper term for the Asgardian guards--inching closer as their steeds carried them.

"Look who's spoken too soon," Ebony Maw scowls at Loki, using his head to gesture to the current situation.

Loki's eyes widened, his feet getting ready to take off.

"We have to go," he says quickly, the three of them heading in the opposite direction of their opposers, only to skid to a stop at a tall mountain that was preventing them from going any further.

He turns to look at his acquaintances.

"Quick, push me up there and I'll pull both of you up."

Maw and Thanos exchange looks with one another before Thanos steps up, holding out a hand to Loki. "Hand over the satchel first."

Loki holds a hand to his chest, a fake show of offense. "What? You honestly believe that after everything you've set me up for, I'd leave the two of you hanging?" The deadpanned look on their faces is a plain, silent answer.

|Enchanted| A Loki x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now