iv. Monsters and Beasts of All Kinds

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REECE WOULD NEVER  admit it out loud because it would be something like blasphemy to say in a school full of sleep-deprived teenagers, but he was a morning person. His parents had always ensured he and his siblings woke up at reasonable hours and maybe he had simply never trained himself out of the habit even after the emancipation of going to boarding school, but Reece woke up at six every day.

 He liked to get in an hour of studying before breakfast to have more time for Quidditch in the evening, and as such, he was seated at a table in the common room, going over Defence Against the Dark Arts when Dris and Benjy appeared down from the staircase that led to the dormitories.

Spotting them, he quickly packed up, though they hadn't gotten past Rowena Ravenclaw's statue before they heard a call, "Aye, wait up!" behind them, and turned to see Orla rushing down the staircase, a mustard yellow trapper hat pulled over her head.

"What are you doing with us?" Benjy asked, unable to properly hide his surprise. Though she was their friend, Orla rarely hung out with them at breakfast, generally opting to sit with some of the girls from her dormitory (really, any of the girls from her dormitory that weren't Bertha Jorkins, but nobody could really blame her for that; Bertha Jorkins was ... tough to like).

Orla shrugged so that her backpack jumped on her shoulders. "Cora's not feeling well so she's staying in bed today. Reckoned I'd eat with you lot and then bring her a wee something to eat after," she said and so the four of them set off.

"So what's your word of the day today, Ben?" Reece asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Riposte," he said, sticking out his chest a little. "It means a quick, sharp return in speech or action."

"I still can't believe you're reading the bleeding dictionary," said Orla with incredulity, "who does that? Like I know English lads are all wankers but this is ridiculous, Ben."

"You're just jealous because your vocabulary consists of 'aye', 'nerd', 'I'm hungry', and various curses relating to the Virgin Mary."

"Aye, that may be purely true but at least I'm not a nerd."

The two of them both rolled their eyes at each other whilst Reece and Dris both laughed. Upon entering the Great Hall, Reece's eyes scanned the Gryffindor table first and spotting Yrsa, he said, "I'll be right with you," to the others before setting off to where she was sitting with Ashley, Mary McDonald, and Lily Evans. "Hey, you alright?" he asked.

Yrsa looked up at him and nodded. "Yep, I'm good now, yesterday, not so much." He had figured so much considering he hadn't seen her at any of the meals. "I still don't know how I managed to get so hammered so quickly," she said, taking a moment to think it over as if she might have missed a part in her memory where she took a shot of absinthe. "Thank Benjy for taking me back, will you?"

"Already done," Reece said. "But I'll do so again. I'll see you later. Love you."

"Love you."

He set off around the table to get back to his own House but he was interrupted when he walked past James Potter and his friends. "I sure hope you play like that through the rest of the season, Cooper," he said with a wide grin.

He didn't respond with more than flipping him off in passing and saying, "Fuck off, Potter," as he walked over to the Ravenclaw table and sat down beside Dris.

"You lot wanna play Categories?" Benjy asked, who sitting opposite Reece and pouring milk into his tea. The three others all shrugged to agree that they might as well and so he screwed up his face to come up with one; it was always the person who suggested the game that got to start. "Asian capitals," he said (which instantly made Orla groan because geography wasn't exactly her strong suit. "Tokyo."

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