Team bonding

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Toni Pov:

"I missed you Jenni" I tell her trying to erase Lucy's voice from my head as I let Hayley down "I missed you too Toni don't worry" she kiss my forehead before going over to Alexia "did you missed me?" She asked Alexia smiling "I missed Toni more for the 20 minutes she was outside " she teased Jenni who acted hurt as Alexia smiled at me. "How do you know each other?" Ona asked as she came to say hello to Jenni "We played against each other and she ruined my leg so we went to holidays together" I said as if it was the logic thing to do "okay she's really bad at telling story but that's the important lines" Jenni laughed.

I looked to Lucy who was still sat looking at her hand, I went over to her "what's up?" I sat next to her "she said 2 years... You saw her two years ago but I haven't seen you for 6" she told quietly "it's not against you Lucy it's just that she was the one I called after the 4th first years because I knew she wouldn't ask any questions" I tried to reassure her side hugging her "I'm here now don't worry" "hey family hug" Jenni came behind us and hugged us both smiling, I smiled at her and kissed her cheek before kissing Lucy's one "we should get going training is soon" I get up.

Training went well, everybody was having fun but Lucy didn't seems to want to hang out with Jenni so I didn't knew with who I was supposed to be but that's okay I just find my way between them two.

We were nos in the changing room and Jenni was telling me how good her new house is while I was just listening to her  and smiling at her enthousiasme, as she was almost screaming at this point Mapi just stand up on the table "As Jenni really seems to have a great house let's do team bonding at her house tonight" she scream happy about her decision before going back on the ground, Jenni seemed okay with it and we quickly got added in the team group where she sended the address.

I got to her house and some people were already there, I said hello to everybody and sat next to her as Lucy was next to Ona, we were just chatting to wait for everybody to be here but it already felt like there's a lot of people in here, Jenni stopped my leg from bouncing with her hand before grabbing mine Wich I guess really helped, after a while everybody was there, Alexia was sat next to me talking in Spanish with I think Patri is her name while I'm just listening to whatever conversation is in English.

After a while people started to get tired so Jenni began to find a space to sleep in her house to everybody that was staying, I think I was the first to go to sleep because I didn't cared about it all because I was really really tired Jenni gave me my room and I went to sleep.

Alexia Pov:

Around 4am I heard someone coming downstairs as I was sleeping on one of Jenni's couch I tried to see who it was but couldn't see because of the dark, I started to get back to sleep when I heard a noise followed by "fuck" and nothing else after that, I looked around before seeing Toni at the end of the stairs on the ground, I got up and went to her. "You're okay?" I whispered "um... Yeah don't worry just sprained my ankle" she said after thinking a bit " that's why you don't go down the stairs in the night" I chuckled before asking "what did you wanted?", "I just wanted some water as I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep" "I'll get you that don't worry, is your ankle okay?" "I think so yeah thank you Alexia" "get back to your room I'll go get you some water and some ice" I said before going away not giving her the choice.

Toni Pov;

I went back to my room struggling, this will definitely need to get checked up tomorrow, Jenni got me in a big room to myself so I had quite the space. "Hey I'm here" Alexia said coming in my room, she gave me the water and got the ice on my ankle "keep it tonight we'll get you to the physio tomorrow" she said before going to the door "goodnight" she told me "Alexia? Can you call Lucy to come I can't sleep?" She came back in the room "sorry Toni but she went back home with Ona..." "Oh, okay... Can you stay?" I don't know why I asked that honestly I just wanted someone with me so I could sleep but Jenni was probably impossible to wake up at 4 am "sure yeah if you want" she came next to the bed and crawled in next to me, I smiled at her before falling asleep.

Jenni Pov:

It's 9am and Alexia disappeard while Toni wasn't even awake so I decided to go check on her, I walked in her room and saw Alexia on her phone while Toni was resting her head in her chest still sleeping, probably because Alexia was stroking her head with her arm around her, she looked up from her phone and smiled at me "hey, how did you ended up here?" I laughed "don't talk that loud you're going to wake her up Jen" she whispered, before I heard someone coming in the room behind me "ho soooo cute" it was mapi with a bright smile on her face, now taking pictures of them "fuck off Mapi" we heard a little voice saying Wich made everybody laugh except Mapi, with that I went to the conclusion that we'll be all good here as Toni already made friends and they were mine, That made me happy.

Time to come back home ~ Toni BronzeWhere stories live. Discover now