Lucy is going to kill you

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Toni POV:

As I just finished coloring mapi's tatto Jonatan stood up and got everyone attention "Okay girl so we'll soon be at the hotel, to make it easy you'll room with the person you're sat next to right now, no need to negotiate I already wrote every rooms down" I immediately turn around to Lucy who's sat next to Alexia, as I do Jenni stand up and sit behind me "don't worry mapi's not that bad she won't be too annoying" she said hitting mapi's head to prevent from saying anything "I wanted to be with you or Lucy..." I told Jenni quite disappointed "hey don't act like I'm the worst to ever exist" mapi complain "no you're really nice but you know..." I start to panick "hey I was just joking don't worry" she told me quickly getting me in a side hug.

After about 5 minutes we were all in the hall of the hotel we would be staying at, Mapi took the key for our room and we got up there "so don't worry I'll let you see Alexia here okay?" She said with surprised me "what do you mean?" "I know Lucy isn't really happy about the rumours and shit but if you want to invite her over just do, you don't even have to ask" she smiles at me "thanks Mapi... I love your tattoos by the way" she smiles at my comment "I'm planning on making a new one after dinner" she say proudly "but we play tomorrow... First it's not very safe and second how do you get out of the hotel without anybody seeing?" She laugh at me "I'm gonna be tattooing don't worry I don't even have to go out and the secret to hide it is to get it somewhere your jersey hide it so nobody will know when you did it" she winked at me, as she do we hear a knock at the door "time for dinner girls" Jonathan say through the door "let's go I'm sooooo hungry" Mapi almost scream

After dinner mapi ran upstairs and when I got in the room she already had started "can I watch?" I ask quietly "sure yeah, do you have any tattoos?" "No I don't, Lucy is the only on having some" she giggle at me "you don't need to compare to Lucy everytime we ask you something you know? Anyway do you plan on having any?" "Ho um yeah..." I answered not really knowing what to say as I was watching her tattooing herself "where and what? And why?" She smiles at me quitting her work for a second "I've some scars in my back... Was planning on maybe cover them you know..." I don't know why but i felt like I could tell her anything, I was focusing on her tattooing and everything was chill "so a big one or a lot of little ones?" "I might need a big one for that, I was thinking of a Lion it's quite cool but I can't really draw my idea I'm bad at drawing" I giggle "it's okay don't worry I can draw it for you" she said as she visibly had finished her tatoo "what do you want exactly" she ask taking her drawing tablet and her pen "well I was thinking of a half realistic and the other half kinda geometrics" "that's a classic that's cool" she smiles "yeah but I was thinking of making the geometrics separate from the realistic side like a gradient separation or them with the drawing and then I can get little tattoos in the fragments fully separated from it" I try to explain my idea "wow that's fucking cool like an explosion separated some pieces ?" "Yeah kinda" "I can do that" she smiles "let me 45 minutes okay?" She start to work on that "you don't need to..." "That's a really nice idea just promise me I'll be the one tattooing it" she smiles like a kid "if you want but Lucy is going to kill you" I giggle "I'll let you work and go see Jenni before we have to sleep if that's okay?" "Sure have fun Toni" she smiles as I get out of the room

Time to come back home ~ Toni BronzeWhere stories live. Discover now