Chapter 3

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The otherside was magnicent. Although it was sti dark outside, he could see that the forest was beautiful. Then a of a sudden, the sun rose, it was now morning. The trees of the forest lit up when the sun touched its leaves.

Katsuki picked a direction and started walking. He admired the scenery and lost track of time. A few hours later, he started to get tired after walking, so he put the stu he had been carrying down and sat on the grass.

'crack'....What was that?....He thought. It got quiet a of a sudden. He tried to pinpoint the owner of the sound then...

"Grrrrrrrrr!" a loud growl could be heard from the bushes. He pued out his sword of its scabbard around his waist and got in a ghting stance. He had recently learned this move and was prepared for whatever creature came out of the bushes.

A of a sudden, a giant wolf-like creature emerged from the bushes. Katsuki was about to strike but the giant wolf was faster and bit his arm, lifting him from the ground.

"AAAAHH! LET ME GO YOU OVERSIZED WOLF!" Katsuki yeed, feeling agonizing pain coming from his now bleeding arm. The creature then suddenly let go and threw him to the side. Katsuki clenched his teeth as he was nay released, feeling the wolf's teeth retracted from his arm.

He looked up from the ground and reached for his sword as he saw the animal getting ready to charge again.


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