Chapter 5

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"You can call me Izuku. I will answer the rest of your questions soon enough!'re injured. We need to get to a safe place so I can treat your wounds, I don't want them to get infected." Izuku looked sad for a second as if he remembered something or someone he dearly loved, but just as fast as the expression came to his face it disappeared.

"So.....stop staring at me, and com'on. We don't have a day." Izuku yeed, annoyed. Katsuki hadn't noticed he had been staring. They continued walking for a while and Katsuki was starting to get tired as the adrenaline from the ght was wearing o.

"We're here!" Izuku said. They were in front of a mountain which had a big rock in front of it. Izuku placed his hand on the rock and it started to glow a soft green. "~Open~" The boy said quietly. The rock disappeared and revealed an opening to a tunnel. The two boys walked inside the dark rocky tunnel leading to what looked like a majestuous open cave where Katsuki could see the sky. Katsuki took in his surroundings.

The cave had a house in the center on what appeared to be a clif surrounded by small waterfas. They walked up what looked like hundreds of stairs, carved into the cli's side. "Welcome to the Clover!" Izuku announced.

"Wait...what? Why is it caed the Clover?" Katsuki asked, despite the greenette not listening. Could this be it, 'The Clover' my father was talking about?...Katsuki thought, as he remembered the letter his father had left for him.

Upon arriving on top of the cli, Katsuki and Izuku walked into a house. "Make yourself at home." Izuku said as he walked into another part of the room.

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