Frozen Fortress

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I started this one in a little journal. It's not very long but I may continue it when I know how to.

I looked out the window, hoping for something new but sighed when I saw the storm still raging on. It had been like this for 10 years. 10 years of this horrid storm.

10 years ago

The spring morning started much as any other spring day. Birds singing, flowers blooming and the warmth of the sun. I had opened the window and was shocked to feel a cold wind hit me. It had come from the west, a cold sharp wind similar to those that bring in those winter storms. The birds weren't singing, and the flowers along the window sill were wilted. Soon the clouds rolled in and the storm started. Those outside the walls of the fortress were frozen where they stood. Those of us inside the fortress were lucky (or unlucky) enough to survive.

Present Day

Looking outside at the storm, I shivered. Despite the new fashion that came about, it wasn't enough to keep out the cold for long. Heaters worked for a little while but would need to be serviced regularly. Originally people were sent out to try and see who or what did this. No one returned. Missions became scarce. People would still be sent out but mostly for food and any supplies from the close houses that they could reach before the cold set in even more.
Ever since I became of age, I have petitioned to go out and find out what I could about the storm. Every time, it was denied. Over and over again. It never stopped me. Today I was going to petition once again, and if I didn't get to, I would sneak out. I was told a variety of reasons on why I shouldn't go out, ranging from I have no experience to I wouldn't survive.
I knew the real reason. A female going out and not surviving would send the people in the fortress into a panic. Men went out and wouldn't survive but society would continue to go.

And this is where it ends. I have no idea how to continue this but there could be more in the future. I hope you enjoyed this.
Word count: around 350

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