Moon and Fire

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A/N: This was a fun one to do. It's a bit of a character description and some word vomit to get this.
Side note: tho it may seem like they're related (based on the descriptions) they are not.

Of moon and fire she was created. A being that had never been seen. Moon and fire do not mix, except for her. She had been alive long before the others, waiting for them to come. They came slowly one by one.
The one of moon and sea came next, a sight to behold. A calm one for the most part but you better watch out, the sea is not always calm. They got along well, the flame and sea grew.
Next came the stars and the night. A child no one had thought would come. Mysterious and changing. They would never be the same. They loved each other dearly, no one could get in the way.
The sea birthed another, one made of sea and glass. So fragile and smart. The others stayed away, fearing they'd hurt him. But he never was hurt, for he was not just of glass, but also the sea and the sea will not whither or break when someone touches it.
The four of them lived together for centuries to come. When they were punished for the acts of their parents. One by one they were cursed to the earth to be born and reborn over and over again for all of eternity.

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