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In a perfect world
One we've never known
We would never need to face the world alone

Kari waited patiently for Yugi as she waited by the bleachers.


Yugi shouted getting her attention as he ran towards her.

They can have the world
We'll create our own

In a flash, Yugi and Yami changed places as they got closer to her. Once they were face to face, Yami was about to pull Kari into a kiss but was quickly halted by Yugi.

I may not be brave or strong or smart
But somewhere in my secret heart I know
Love will find a way
Anywhere I go
I'm home

"You can't just come out of the puzzle and start kissing someone, it's inappropriate"

Yugi said lecturing to his best friend who stood in a ghostly figure next to him. Yami looked to Yugi in confusion.

"What do you mean? Kari and I are together"

"No, we're not"

Kari answered. Yami and Yugi looked to Kari as she explained herself.

"Look, about that kiss during the weekend meant nothing. I mean I don't even like you in that way, how can you expect me to like you if you don't even know yourself"

She said rubbing her arm gently.

If you are there beside me
Like dark turning into day
Somehow we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way

Yami frown in thought before speaking up.

"But you wanted it, I confessed that I love you"

"You were suppose to love Tea"


"Because she likes you"

"And I can't follow my own heart? Because my heart chooses you"

Yami said seriously causing Kari's heart to soar at those words but she needed to sacrifice her love for her friendship with Tea.

I was so afraid

"Well I'm sorry, I don't feel the same way"

"That can not be, you were happy after we kissed"

"Because you caught me by surprise, what was I suppose to do?"

Kari asked with a sigh.

Now I realize
Love is never wrong
And so it never dies
There's a perfect world
Shining in your Now I realize
Love is never wrong
And so it never dies
There's a perfect world
Shining in your eyes

Yami refused to believe what she was saying, Kari looked like she was having a hard time believing on what she's saying herself.

"Tell me how you feel?"

He asked. Kari took a deep breath to speak.

"I feel like we shouldn't do this anymore, for Tea's sake"

And if only they could feel it too

The happiness I feel with you
They'd know

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