I wish I could hate you (Part 3)

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Sorry for making y'all wait for so long. 

Warning of Mature content in detail in this chapter.

"Tummm!?" (Youuuu?) Arohi asked under that man's breaths. He is surprised, without breaking the eye-contact his lips curved into a smile. "You know me already?" He asked leaning near her lost himself in those beautiful eyes. Arohi quickly gets out of his hold and stands properly in a distance. all the while he is intensely looking at her only. Arohi snapped her fingers at him which bought him back to the world. He takes one step closer to her, "You know me already?" he asked again curiously. "Haan, you're Nithin Kapoor right?" Arohi said with a smile. Nithin looked at him confused and surprised, "You're Saya maa's son na. Woh subhah se leke shaam tak bas tumhare baare mein hi baat karte rehte hai. aur mein tumhare ghar mein photo frame bhi dekha" (You're saya maa's son right. she will speaks about you only from day to night. and I saw you're photo frame in your house) Arohi said clearing the confusion. "Ohhh! by the way you're name!?" Nithin asked with a enchanting smile. "I'm Arohi" Arohi said forwarding her hand. their hands met in a friendly greet. "Arohiiii..... Ohhhhh tu wohh Arohi, meri maa ki favorite beti right!?" (Arohiiii..... Ohhh you're the same Arohi, who's my favorite daughter right?) Nithin said remembering how Saya always used to talk about Arohi and her daughter Ruhi but he didn't saw any of her photos. "hahaa! are you feeling jealous?" Arohi asked with a giggle. "No not at all....umm actually yesss!" He said leaning closer to her face making Arohi nervous. "waise You're looking beautiful!" (By the way, You're looking beautiful!) Nithin said drowning in her eyes. Arohi just passed a smile followed by a Thank you. "Okayyy Byeee! kal milte hai" (Okayyy Byeee! will meet tomorrow) Nithin said with a promising smile and went to his house which is opposite to Arohi's. Arohi sighed at his behavior and turned to walk, just then her phone rang. it's from Rahul who called her to inform that he have mailed the details about tomorrow's surgery and asked her to check it.

She opened the mailbox but it's buffering to annoy Arohi more. "Ughhh! ye network na...." (Ughhhh! this networkk....) She irritated and walked back towards the gate again focusing fully on her phone. suddenly she felt collided with someone, before she could process she falls back and the person fell on her. she felt a familiar yet a strange feeling. her hair strand which fully masked her face making her view more hard to see the person. she felt the person's hands wrapping around her waist, giving the same effect which she used to get from a person years back. all these are happened in a second, she pushed the person who just reminded her of a person she trying hard to forget. he gets up quickly as she, he's clearing the dusts in his dress without looking at her, while she gets up still her hair strand covering her face. He looked at her who's face isn't clearly visible, "I'm so sorry.... I....I hope you're okay" he said making her freeze. hearing his voice, she looked at him tucking her hair strands behind her ears giving him all the view to see her face. Both of them looked at each other, the world around them is stand still. tears starts falling profusely in their eyes flashing the tons of bittersweet memories of them. feeling a heavy pain in their chest both felt hard to breathe. one who was alive all these years only to have this day in his life while the other one prayed all the god to not have a day like this in her life. "Neillll...." Arohi said to herself in a very low tone. hearing her voice, he couldn't resist himself more. he goes to hug her still crying, she took step back reminding him about their relationship dynamic now. "Aarohiiiii" Neil said crying, his voice clearly shows that how much he's longing to see her. just then Ruhi comes there jumping seeing both Neil and Arohi. "Matashreeeee!" Ruhi's call bought both of them back to the world. Arohi wiped off her tears as she can't show her vulnerable side to her daughter. Neil who was drowning into Arohi's eyes now shifter his trance to Ruhi. Tears started flowing more than before, he fell on his knees in front of Ruhi. "Rooh..... meri Betiiii..... meri Rooh.... meri aur meri Arohi ki betiiiii" (Roohhh..... My daughter...... she is my roohhh..... she is me and my Arohi's daughter) Neil's heart stated all these inside him making him more emotionally vulnerable. He slowly lifts his hands to touch Ruhi's face, Ruhi looked at him confused whilst she's feeling a heartly connection which made her cry unaware to her. "aap kyu ro rahe ho!?" (Why are you crying?) Ruhi asked while her tiny fingers wipes off his tears. Neil who is in the verge of breaking down, takes Ruhi into his embrace seeking the comfort which he needs the most right now. "I'm sorry bachaa..... I'm so..rryy...... I'm rea...alllyyy..... sorr.....rryyyy" Neil said sobbing against Ruhi's ears. he comes out of hug and traced his fingers all over her face adoring how she's exactly like him, like his Arohi, like THEM. "Roohhh" Neil said cupping Ruhi's cheek breaking the hug, he planted a soulful kiss on his daughter's forehead. tears made it's way from his swollen eyes, Ruhi felt something and surrendered herself his embrace again. Neil was about to lift Ruhi in his arms but Arohi stopped saying, "Ruhi Beta, app andar jaoo" (Ruhi dear, you go inside) Arohi said struggling to not breakdown in front of her Ruhi. Neil understood and left Ruhi go inside reluctantly not before kissing her temple again. Unable to understand anything Ruhi just runs inside to Aisha.

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