7. 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 ?

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Next day : Match day 🏏

[The match will start at evening and this is morning scene]

Shubman doing workout at the lawn with Rohit, Rahul and others.

Ishan was ironing his and Shubman's clothes in his room. Baby Subaan was playing with his tiny hands and legs aside of the bed.

Suddenly he heard a sound of falling something and then a loud cry... must be a baby fall and started to cry...

The crying noise was coming from near Ishan's room and the baby might pleading for help. Umm... it's like Agastya's voice.

Ishan quickly turned off the Iron machine's switch and rushed outside.

Yeah it's Agastya... falled in the stairs... others rooms are a little far from there so nobody heard Agu.

Ishan lifted him up and looked for Hardik or Rahul. They were in lawn, busy in workout.

'Hey Agu! How did you fell ? And what are you doing here ? You should play in the lawn or verandah na ?' Ishan asked.

Agastya is toodler so he can't speak much... he just said – 'Pushed mmmeee'

'Who pushed you baby ?'

This time Ishan heard another scream!!!

Oh my God!! Its Subaan!!! He was playing nicely, what happened again!!!





'How his palm burned ?' Shubman shouted on Ishan.

Many members gathered in their room, Sachin's family and Sonam also.

'I don't know I've turned of the Iron machine... who turned it on ?' Ishan replied while sobbing with crying Subaan in his arms.

Sara said - 'Ishan we can understand you forgot to turn off the iron machine in hurry, arey it's not wrong but don't tell a lie that you turned it off.... you're saying like someone turned it on again for burning Subaan's palm hunn ?'

Shubman - 'Whatever! Why you left him alone with the heated iron machine ?'

Ishan - 'Shubi Agastya was crying... what could I do ? And I'm not lying... I really turned off the machine'

Rahul - 'Agu, I told you to play in the lawn, so why you came here ? And how did you fell down ?'

Agastya - 'Pushed mmee'

Hardik - 'Who pushed you ? Nobody was here except Ishu uncle'

Agastya - 'Um... donno'

Sammy - 'Maybe iss bungalow mei churail (witch) hai...'

Sonu - 'Woh to hai hi'

Sachin - 'What you mean Sonu ?'

Sonu - 'Hunn... um nothing paaji'

Rohit - 'Are leave it... first aid Subaan's palm'

Shubman - 'Why my child is being harmed again and again ? What did I done to you all ?'

Sonam - 'What you mean Shubman ? Why one will harm your innocent child ? It's your careless husband who left the baby with heated machine. Think twice before blaming someone'

Sara - 'Yes Shub... think twice....... if nobody was here except your lovely husband then who turned on the machine hunnn ? Ok... we agree that he's little disturbed with post-partam problems but don't you dare to blame anyone else without proof ok ?'

Shubman's anger doubled by their words and all of it fall on Ishan as he had no proof again anyone but had many reasons to blame Ishan.

Shubman - 'Please everyone leave us alone, I can take care of my baby'

Sara and Sonam guessed what's gonna happen next si they smirked and left the room. Everyone followed them one by one.

Mahi and Virat stood there for some more seconds but they understood that Shubman doesn't want to allow them in the room now so they were also left.



'Shubi I'm not lying... I've turned off.....'


Shubman snatched Subaan from Ishan's arm and started to aid his half-burned palm. He was screaming so pathetically in burning. Ishan also crying to see his little heart in pain.




Mahi-Virat's convo in private

Virat - 'Ishan isn't lying Mahi bhai'

Mahi - 'I know Chiku, Shubman also knows but vo bechaara hai'

Virat - 'Sonu was right! Not only one, two witches are present here'

Mahi - 'Shhh Chiku... it shouldn't reach in Sachin paaji's ears'

Virat - 'Matlab you too believe that his daughter and her bestfriend did this'

Mahi - 'I believe Chiku but I haven't any proof. That's why I'm silent'

Virat - 'But don't you think that they're taking advantage of Sachin's reputation ?'

Mahi - 'I know cheeks but what can I do ? We haven't any single proof against them. Nobody saw them going in their room and turning on the machine'

Virat - 'And Agu ? Why he went there ?'

Mahi - 'I think one of the girls brought or called him... he can't speak much so they are assured about their safety'

Virat - 'Agu was telling that someone pushed him... must be they pushed him to distract Ishan. And when Ishan came to Agu they turned on the Iron machine and the poor baby...... chhihh!!! Shame on them!!!'

Mahi - 'This is just our idea Chiku, don't say to anyone... specially to Sachin paaji or his family'

Virat - 'Relax, I won't but I don't forgive the girls who made my babies cry... who are trying to ruin Ishan's happiness....... benstokes!!'

Mahi - 'Chiku... you shouldn't be excited now... go and take rest. I'll manage it'

Virat - 'No no Mahi bhai they harmed my babies...'

Mahi - 'And I don't let you to harm your another baby ... go to your room or I'll call Rohit'

Virat - 'No no Mahi bhai.... he will collapse me in room if you complain against me' (pouted)

Mahi - 'Hahaha... then obey me like a good brother' (kissed forehead)


I'll try to update double but after updating MahiSonu ff.  Maybe you guys not liking that but I'm too obsessed with them.

Forgive my grammatical mistakes and let me know how you enjoying this ff ?

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