13. Vivacious Erotica 🔞

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Sonam an Raghav is in jail, may be the court punish them as much as possible. Mayank will be presented as deponent. Except that a lot of proof they have against Sonam.

Shubman wanted to file a case against Sara too but Ishan denied. He said that the bitch Sonam convinced her. Otherwise Sara isn't such a bad girl. From harming Subaan to kidnapping them all were Sonam's dirty plan. Even Sachin sir himself expressed his guilt in front of everyone.

Every players went to their respective homes. Ishan was shocked a lot but getting everything ok he's feeling better now.

🔞⚠️ WARNING ⚠️🔞



A night in their household 🌉

Ishan was feeding Subaan on bed. Shubman came and sat beside him, better to say clinging with him.

Ishan blushed. He knew what Shubi wants. Already Shubman's fingers started dipping in Ishan's waist, his warm breath hitting Ishu's shoulder.

'Wait Shubi, first I've to make your son sleep'

'Ok baby'  Shubman said placing a kiss ok Ishan's neck.

After sometime Ishan placed sleeping Subaan in swing and Shubman made Ishan to sit on his lap. Ishan trapped Shubi's waist with his legs and neck with hands. Their nose were almost touching.

'Can you remember Ishiee when I first took you in my lap ?'

'Umm in Taj hotel, during t20 match right ?'

'Yes baby'  Shubman sniffed Ishan's chest. 'Then I didn't know you'll be my complementary'

Ishan said nothing, just felt Shubi's and his heartbeats.

'I want you Ishu' Shubman whispered.

'Take me under you' Ishan whimpered.

'Strip the shit clothes baby'

They both undressed themselves. Shubman dived into Ishu's lips. He bit the lips and sucked inside the soft mouth with his tongue. He made Ishu lay down and continued to kiss and bit his lips while pinching his nipples.

Their feet were rubbing each other. Shubman pinned Ishu's hands over his head then pulled his mouth on neck. Gave him hickeys on neck then on chest and nipples.

Ishan moaned in low sound. He wanted to scratch on Shubi's back but Shubi tightly hold his hands over his head. His hard length was already poking on Ishan's thigh.

Shubman licked all of Ishan's body, gave hickeys on chest, navel and inner thighs. Then he was about to made straddle Ishan but he interrupted.

'Wait Shubi'

Ishan got up and made Shubman lay down. Then he spread Shubman's legs and sat between them. Gave a lusty smile towards him bringing his mouth near Shubman's dick.

Shubman smiled back and Ishan started to give him blowjob. The warmth of Ishu's mouth made Shubman so heated. He grabbed Ishu's hairs moved his head up and down. The gobbling sound was echoing in the room.

After sometime Shubman cum inside Ishu's mouth and said in moanful voice - 'swallow it totally baby. Ishan obeyed like a good boy then sat straddling there in a totally erotic style.

'Now your turn baby'  he pointed at his lower part. Shubman nodded his head went between Ishu's thighs. He sucked his length and the groins too. Ishan Shivered with Shubi's wet touches.

'Ahh...more Shubi...ummhhh...'

'No baby' Shubman said and pulled Ishu's legs around his waist to make him lay.
'Now take in you'

Shubman inserted inside Ishu's tight cave making him moan in merriment.

'Not gonna leave you today baby' Shubman said with extreme lust in his eyes.

'Don't... ummhh'

Ishu's moans made him crazy thus he started to thrust roughly. Ishan screamed in pain at first but slowly slowly he felt pleasure too.

'Ahhh fast Shubi fast umhh... faaasttt'

Shubman thrusted harder and faster. After cum they go for another round... like this they continued for more than four hours.

When they're done Ishan was totally exhausted, sweating badly, panting heavily. Shubman wiped him with a towel and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

'You can't walk tomorrow Ishiee'

'No problem. I'll feed Subaan lying here, you will do every work'

Nocturnal silence engulfed the city... a pair of lovebird slept peacefully by tightly hugging each other.




Warmth mil gayi ?🌚

Anyway, forgive my grammatical mistakes. And as you demanded for Rohirat and Mahisonu oneshots next... so tell me what do you want as the topic of oneshot... as like eroticism/ little misunderstandings/ cute fights etc or what ?

Comment down guys. Your comments are my sources of inspiration❤️

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