6. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭

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'Sonam!!! What did she say ?'

'She showed me an excellent sponge ball and said if I dexterously play throw and catch she'll gift me the ball'

'So you should play with the ball na ? Why did you bring Subaan ?'

'Because she said I've to play with Subaan instead of ball and not in the grassy field but in rocky road. An then...'

'Then what ?'

'Then she told if I inform anyone about this she will take me to the devil's cave...unghh' Ziva again started to weep.

Mahi and Sonu heard calmly how Sonam convinced Ziva to play throw and catch with Subaan, how she scared Ziva for shutting up her mouth.

Mahi hugged Ziva tightly. His silent tears dripped on Ziva's head.

'How dangerous girl she is!! Even chewed my daughter's head!! We should inform Shubman'  Sonu said.

'Nhi Sonu, think in cool mind. If we inform him, he will surely kick the girl away from this house... and she's Sara's friend so Sara will also go with her and the whole Tendulkar family with her.... huh samjha ? It could be insulting for Sachin paaji'

'But she did wrong naa ?'

'We should be more careful for that. But Tendulkars are our guests now, we can't make them leave the house'

'Huhh bechara Ishan... beaten by Shubi without reason!' Sonu exclaimed.



Ishman's room

  Shubman was Swinging Subaan sitting on the floor. His jaw is still stiff in anger.

Ishan slowly entered the room. He's still sobbing, his face got reddened, blood clotted in a cheek due to Shubi's slap. Tears glittering on them.

Ishan went to them and sat beside Subaan. But Shubman take away the baby in distance.

It hurted Ishan too much. His tears again pushed his eyes.

'Shubi...... I know I did wrong..... but please..... please don't part Subaan from me..... please forgive me.....'

He pleaded to Shubman with folded hands.

'Get lost careless!!! Don't dare to come near my son!!' Shubman shouted.

'Don't say like that Shubi.... he is my son too..... gimme... please.... I have to feed him..... he's hungry Shubi.... please....'  Ishan sobbed like mad.

'You're so irresponsible Ishan! You don't deserve to have a baby. How could you sleep giving your baby in a child's hands ?'

'Forgive me Shubi........ I won't give him to anyone..... won't sleep......'

He couldn't complete his words. Shubman rushed from the room with the baby in his arms.

'S..Shubi where are you going with him... Shubi STOOOOP!!!  I have to feed him....'

Shubman didn't stop.

Ishan again sat on the floor and cried out heavily. He continuously cursed himself for falling asleep that time, clinched his hairs and cheeks, gripped his neck and abused himself a lot.

The door was opened. In the opposite corridor there was two persons who were smirking to see Ishan like this.


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