14. He is my bestfriend (Rohirat)

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Rohirat oneshot on my dear readers' demand🥰


***Time skip two months***

'Hey Rohit, listen jaldi!!'

'What happened Cheeks... where is paining ?'

'Nowhere bloody!'

'So why are you screaming like this ?'

'Are Rohuuu I'm sooooo happy today darling....' Virat jumped and hugged Rohit tightly.

'Cheeks calm down... you should not jump this time baby... ok ok tell me what happened'

'Rohu you know... Vartik is coming Mumbai only to meet me... he called me in Leopold cafe within two hours'

'Oh... so why are you being so excited ?'

'Should not I ? Vartik is my dearest friend Rohu. I missed him a loooooooot'

Rohit didn't like these words and excitement of Virat.

'Not like that, I mean you're already three months... you shouldn't be such excited in this condition'

'Are don't worry Rohu... mujhe luch ni hoga. After all I'm gonna meet my bestfriend. Accha sunn, please manage Sammy for a few hours and please don't forget her meal ok ?'

'Hmm but come back soon'





Rohit noticed Virat is preparing himself such a way seems like he's going on date. He wore a cream colour shirt with white pants... which as Rohit knows Virat doesn't like.

'Vi, you don't like this colour na ?'

'Vo actually... Vartik likes... he once told me that this colour suits me'. Virat blushed, or Rohit thought he's blushing.

Rohit was burning inside when he saw Virat applying toners and floral perfumes. Rohit asked him in past to apply floral perfume but Virat clearly told that he doesn't like the smell. And today ? He's applying it for that Vartik!!

'I am reminding you again Vi, don't be late'

Rohit said with cold stare before Virat went away.

Rohit became busy with nourishing Sammy. That is not like he was dissatisfied with Vartik-Virat bonding, but he never wanted to leave Virat alone in this situation. But he's sure that Virat would definitely deny if he proposed to go with him.



***Seven hours passed***

It is evening now. Rohit gnashing his teeth in anger. He talked to Virat before three hours and told him to come back soon, Sammy was crying for her papa. Virat agreed and cut the call. After that when he delayed again Rohit called him minimum thirty times but his phone is switched off. Surely the bustard will give excuse that phone's battery was dead or due to traffic jam he's late.

But Rogit knows betterly he's enjoying with Vartik. In last phone call he had heard loud music usually played in bars. That Vartik how much dear to him that he's so careless about his little daughter and unborn one ?

'Dada... papa huunghh?'

'Arey re re don't cry Sammy baba... papa will come soon'

Sammy didn't stop crying. Rohit took her on shoulder and roamed whole house, told her some fairy tales too. It's so tough for Rohit to make moddy Sammy sleep. Only Virat can do it so easily. 

'God help me...'

After hard try for one hour baby Sammy fallen asleep. Rohit sighed and placed her on bed. Then looked at the wall clock. One more hour paseed. Vi didn't come till now. He became a little worried too along with extreme anger.


Within few minutes he heard the sound of unlocking the door. Virat has duplicate keys so it must be him.

Rohit sat on couch and tried to keep calm. He knows his anger issues and don't wants to hurt Virat.

After a few seconds Rohit heard sound of shoes and saw Virat entering the room with a blushy face... holding flower bouquets and chocolates... surely the Vartik gifted him!!

Rohit gnashed




Sorry, short chapter😅
I'll try to give update at evening.

Forgive my grammatical mistakes and keep enjoying beauties 🤗💝

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