🍂Chapter 1 : Welcome 🍂

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Charlie's Pov.:

I put my suitcase in with the rest of my boxes into the back of our small car, trying my best not to be nervous about move in day.
Wasn't really working well.

"Ready Charlie?" My dad said just before getting in to drive me to the campus, I turned to wave goodbye to my sister, my mom and my little brother. Oliver came running up to me to give me one last hug,
"You have to come back to visit a lot ok! Like every day !" He exclaimed.
I laughed lightly, abit sad to say goodbye as I leaned down to hug him,
"I don't think I can every day, but I can every other week. How's that sound ?"
He took a moment to ponder before agreeing , also not forgetting to instantly make me pinky promise it.

We headed out down the road and on our way to my new campus , I had decided to major in English Literature for my BA. This was abit nerve wracking, but I know it's what I'd like to do..Atleast I think so, for now.
After a few hours of travel and listening to music , we settled into the very busy lot of the university of Kent. How I managed to actually get in and accepted, I will never know.
I tugged on my beanie nervously , I had picked it specifically because it matched my flannel jacket.
It was abit chilly out now as leaves were starting to fall and flutter around, causing the campus to be covered in gold and brown hues.
I loaded up a small cart and hugged my dad goodbye, he smiled and I swear I could see his eyes abit glazed over.
"Dad.." I whined as he hugged me again tightly.
He laughed and pulled away,
"Right right, sorry , just got abit carried away there. If you need anything we're only one call away okay ? anything at all and I mean it." I smiled and nodded ,
"Thank you. I'll call when I'm settled okay?" I closed the door to the back of the trunk and put my school bag on.

"Love you Charlie" he said before giving me one last quick hug and getting into the car.
"Love you too" I said abit sadly.
Not going to lie, Im excited to start university and have this freedom but I'm also abit... well..
To say the least.

I started pushing the cart that was stacked with my limited belongings across the campus, while glancing down at the small map the university provided me with.
Without realizing it I started to go abit down hill over one area and the gravity of my cart was thrown off entirely. I held onto it as it rushed me down the small concrete path, the wheels going too fast to stop.
Everyone near by watched as I was practically pulled down the path, and I was headed straight toward a stone wall .
The pavement was wet with the rain that had fallen the night before, making it impossible to stop as the wheels glided without consideration.

Talk about the worst first day.

I closed my eyes and waited for impact as the cart pulled me toward my fate of hitting the stone wall head on.

But it never came.
Because all I heard next was the words
"Watch out !" being yelled.

And there I was, off to the side of the ground, safely laying on damp leaves.
The push to the ground took away my breath abit at first , as I was suddenly looking up at the sky.

I coughed trying to get my breathing back until I realized a heavy body was on top of me.
And then also realizing that this person was what pushed me outve the way in the first place.

All I could see was a mess of warm blonde hair, reminding me the color of butterscotch.
I blinked in shock.

All of a sudden he moved off of me and grumbled ,
"Well, that was a bit of a rough one." He said , his voice ringing in my ear as he stood himself up and I blinked at him. Even more Shocked.

He nonchalantly straightened his clothes out and smoothed his hair back, as if he was use to throwing himself and it was no big deal that he pushed me out of the way.
Let alone saved me..
He wore a dark teal hoodie that had a small white Nike logo in the corner with a pair of grey sweats.

"You okay?" He asked concerned and reached down to help me up.
I nodded quietly and took his warm hand,
how it was warm in the middle of fall?
Well I guess I'll never know that either..

I stood on my feet and dusted myself off before looking around.
"Y-yeah. Thanks" I said completely and utterly embarrassed while I adjusted my beanie.
He smiled politely and nodded before going over with me to help get my belongings off the pavement.
Luckily I hadn't packed anything extremely breakable, and everything I did pack was packed in tightly and cushioned well anyhow.

"Th-thanks again" I said as I put the last box on top.
He smiled and nodded, " ofcourse"

"Hey Nick!! Hurry up!! We're gonna be late for practice mate! " A guy across the courtyard called out with a wave of his arm, he was wearing athletic clothing as well.


His name's Nick..

He looked over to the guy and waved, before yelling out "be right there !!"
He smiled and waved bye to me,
"See you round!" before he grabbed his bag off the floor that I hadn't noticed he'd thrown down before saving me, and jogged over toward the direction that his mate had gone in.

I blinked and looked around feeling my face abit reddened.
I sighed.
A hot guy literally Saves me and all I say is
"Thanks again"
I shook my head and huffed,
Real smooth Charlie, Real Smooth.

First day of university and I not only embarrass myself in front of the entire campus but I also embarrass myself in front of the first hot guy I see?
I mentally kicked myself as I carefully rolled the cart toward the direction of the dorms.
I stood in front of the building and gulped looking up.
My nerves completely taking over as I entered the building and grabbed my key from the front desk.
I rolled my cart into the small elevator and pushed the button for floor 10.

After a moment the elevator dinged and the doors slid open.
I pushed my small cart outve the elevator and into the long hallway.
I glanced down to make sure of my room number.

The good news is I can just rest today and get settled, as classes don't start until Monday.
Most students were using the weekend to set up. I finally found my dorm number and unlocked the door, before pushing the cart inside and closing the door behind me.

The room was plain, clean and white.
Kind of almost felt like a hospital room if anything.
I cringed but sighed as I started to unpack my stuff on the single bed that sat off to one side.

I put a few posters up and set my bed up along with my small table.
After about 30 minutes I was done.

I yawned and laid down on my bed after taking my jacket off and kicking my shoes off, I laid there , staring up at the speckled ceiling.

My hands resting at my sides lazily,
as I could still feel the warm touch of his hand in mine.
It felt like tiny lightning bolts were fizzling out of my palm.

I turned over onto my side ,
Just before drifting off to sleep.
The sound of rain started to pour heavily outside my window.

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