🍂Chapter 7: Buttons🍂

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Charlie's Pov.

-Later the next day-

After my last class was over, I started to head back to my dorm room, knowing the sun would set soon. And in an hour the masquerade would start.

Numbly walking into the elevator as I waited for it to lift me up to my floor.
Hoping and praying that Nick wouldn't run into me.
I walked quickly and quietly down the hall, I sneaked into my dorm and closed the door quickly.
I sighed sitting my things down and laid down backwards in defeat ontop of my bed.

What do I do?

I heard a knock at my door, I rose up fast in a panic.
"Charlie? You there?" Nicks soft voice carried through the door.
He had texted me trying to meet up multiple times but I'd been ignoring him. .

I sat there at my bed , staring numbly at the door.
I could feel my eyes tearing up.
How could he go with someone else ?

I resisted the urge of throwing my pillow at the door.
"Charlie ? Is everything okay? You haven't been answering my texts?" He asked again.

I didn't wanna face him, so I pulled my phone out.

Charlie:  "Sorry, can't talk, ended up catching a really bad cold. Don't wanna get you sick. Hope you have fun at the masquerade though. Take pics" texting him quickly. Hoping to make him leave.

I sat there staring at the door in wait, hugging my pillow.

He texted me back,
Nick:  "oh..Ok, No problem, I hope you feel better? If you need anything , please let me know and I'll get it" he texted back.
He stood there for a moment before finally walking away.

I laid back down, dropping my phone onto the carpet.
My room was only lit by the small lamp in the corner that I'd accidentally left on from earlier.
I hid my face into my pillow , angry at how easily it was for him to make me cry.
But mostly sad that he didn't ask me.

Nicks Pov

I sighed looking at the door, and then down at the small bouquet of white roses I was holding.
I'd bought them earlier in order to ask him, I know I was late in asking but I had also bought a matching mask for him incase he did say yes.

I had tried multiple times to ask him in person, but he either ignored my messages, or dodged seeing me directly in person. And I wanted it to be a grand gesture.

Putting my phone back into my pocket as I paused,
Is he really sick? Or does he just not want to be seen in public with me?
I turned back around, my mask and black tux in proper place.
I decided to leave the roses at his door, putting the matching dark blue and gold mask ontop .
It sat there glittering back at me.

I'd bought them for him , after all.

As I walked down the lonely corridor, I pulled my phone out to text him one more time.

One last attempt. .

I stood against the back of the elevator, contemplating before pushing send.

Nick: "If you start feeling better, I'll be saving you a dance. I hope next time we can go together.  "
I sighed putting it back in my pocket as the doors slid closed.

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