🍃Chapter 10: Up up! 🍃

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Writers update: sorry for the wait,
it's been a rough ass week 🥲
thank you for your patience x

Charlie's Pov.

"N-nick.. I .. I changed my mind. I want you.. All of you.. please" I moaned into his ear weakly.

I sighed as he kissed my neck before pulling back to look at me.
"Char.." his hand lightly squeezed my thigh,
"Are you sure?" He asked as his hand glided up and down.
"We can wait, I don't mind." he said kissing my lips gently.

I sighed melting into his kiss before we pulled away again. And I nodded.
"Very sure. I really want you.. all of -" but I was cut off by a knock at the door. Our eyes widened as we both looked at my dorm door in panic , my heart was racing.
The knock came again.
"Good morning, routine dorm check! Up up! Well give you a few minutes to get dressed!"
I lifted my arms up as my hands were still tied up, he hurriedly untied them and dropped it on the bed.
We scrambled up off my bed and started panicking.
"Shit! What do we do!?!?" I whispered looking around for my clothing amongst his.
His face was just as frightened,
"You have to hide" I whispered looking around quickly. He nodded as he pulled his pants on in a panic, I pulled my shorts on and grabbed my button up , quickly buttoning it.

I looked at my closet then at my bathroom.
"Come on" I whispered taking his hand, as I lead him to hide in my shower behind the curtain.
He looked uncertain but nodded and swung a leg over the side of my bathtub as he shuffled to hide behind the far side of the curtain.
I turned the lights off and left the bathroom, making my way over to my front door.
I opened it as calmly as I could.
"Hi, sorry, come in. Sorry it's a mess, I wasn't expecting anyone.." I said as one of the higher level students who wore Admin shirts walked in , someone else was knocking on Nicks door. I gulped as I left the door open, the rest of the hallway was also being checked, everyone's complaints filled the hallway.

"Sorry bout this, we do it incase any students are keeping pets or anything out of protocol. It's just a way to regulate and protect the dorms. I'll only be  few " The guy had short bright blonde hair, a sure sign he regularly bleached it, a black nose ring and a small earring hung from his left lobe. He looked around and checked under my bed before opening my closet and peaking in , moving shirts around just incase. Then, as if he Wanted to put me on edge, he walked over to the bathroom.
I gulped and called out
"Sorry for the mess" in a nervous manner.

He came back out and smiled at me, he nodded as he looked around my dorm once more, and gave me a thumbs up before leaving.
As he headed towards the door he paused and warmly smiled as if holding a secret. I blinked at him.
"Nice work. Carry on" as he winked before closing the door.

I stared as I locked the door behind him, before hurrying over to the bathroom. Covering my mouth in shock.

Nick had swung his other leg out of the tub and looked at me before chuckling.
"Yeah, he totally seen me" he said nervously, rubbing his neck.
"Shit.. did he say anything?" I asked as Nick followed me out of the bathroom and back to my bed.
"Nope, I think he saw my feet peaking out cause he pushed the curtain back more and then his eyes met mine and he just grinned at me and nodded in like this approving way? and then he just left" he chuckled , as he grabbed his shirt and started putting it on.
We laughed as I hid my face,
"Ugh how embarrassing" I said in a muffled voice.

I sat next to nick and watched as he put his socks on,
"Did he say anything before he left ? Are you in trouble?" He asked.
I chuckled,
"I don't think so. All he said was Nice work, carry on" I smiled cheekily.

He laughed and nodded,
"Well, atleast we're not in trouble." He kissed me cheek and stood to slip his shoes on.
"I outta go back to mine then" he smiled abit sadly.
I nodded as I walked him over to my door,
He opened it and poked his outside,
Before opening it up entirely.
"Cool, it's all over now. They must've went upstairs already" he chuckled.
I smiled and sighed as I placed my forehead against his chest, as his arms wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me into a hug.
"Char, last night was absolutely amazing.." he whispered, kissing the side of my head.
I smiled and nodded.
"It really was."

He chuckled taking my hand and kissed the top of it.
"I'm going home for a week, care to come with?"
He asked , looking up to meet my eyes.
I grinned,
"Really? You sure?" I asked
He laughed and kissed my forehead
"Of course.. so, ..is that a yes?"
I nodded eagerly,
"Yes! Ofcourse"
He smiled and kissed me lightly

I sighed happily as he went to unlock his door, waving once before closing it.
I felt my heart lighten up

Nick is so perfect
Everything is so perfect

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