Carlos Is Anti Team Trees

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Each movement Carlos made was desperate. Desperately hoping Evan wasn't gone, Desperately trying to stay Alive. Carlos touched Evans neck and to Carlos's happiness Evan was still breathing. Carlos pushed himself off the floor. He needed to see how bad Evans' wounds were.

He gingerly pressed a finger to Evans wound and to his dismay where a firm skull should be,It was soft. Carlos wasn't surprised by this. Something in his mind was telling him Evan was going to die soon. It was the same voice that whispered the word Death in his ear right before his mother died.

Carlos propped Evans' arm on his shoulder. Evan weighed about as much as a semi truck right now. He somehow managed to lift Evan onto his shoulder in a fireman's carry. He took a sorrowful look at his mother wishing he could've done something, anything for her, before trudging on.

Carlos dragged Evan out of their house and outside. Their house was in a thoroughly wooded area and there was no civilization for miles. Carlos looked around hopelessly, There was no way he was going to make it. He was bleeding out and He couldn't carry Evan for miles. He collapsed onto the floor as he finally took in what just happened.

His mother had been taken away from him by this strange lion goat thing and now this? He didn't want to do this anymore, He was tired, He wanted to just disappear. That's when Evan made a horrible wailing and groaning sound. Evan emptied the contents of his stomach onto the pavement as he stood and wiped his mouth. He looked at Carlos and smiled a sickly smile, He was dangerously pale. Carlos ran to Evan and supported his weight. "You'll be okay." Carlos said as he felt sick knowing that wasn't the truth as Evan ruffled his hair. "As Long as I got you..." Evan said as He straightened out.

"So, Is mom really-" "Yes." Carlos said bluntly, cutting Evan off. Evan's eyes swelled in tears as he started to cry. This action made Carlos want to cry uncontrollably but he didn't, It wasn't because he didn't want to, It was because he couldn't, He steadied his breathing and looked at Evan. "It's Okay, She's gone and there's nothing we can do but move forward. And Never Stop." Carlos said as Evan looked at him. "But, Sh-She...She's-" " I KNOW!" Carlos said angrily. He was angry with himself, He was angry with Evan, He was angry at the world, But most of all, He was angry at his mother for dying. "We can't stop." Carlos stated as he started towards the woods sluggishly due to the shoulder injury which was somehow healing, Carlos could feel the flesh sewing itself back together.

After a few seconds Evan joined him, It was clear he was still shaken up and in pain. "S-So? What do we do now?" Evan asks "We keep moving." Carlos said in a shaky voice. "Keep Moving? Keep moving!? Carlos, our mother just-" "I know. Unless you wanna end up like her...We keep moving." Carlos said once again.

Carlos and Evan walked through the woods. "I can't believe she's gone." Evan said as Carlos side eyed him. "I-I Just, There's so many things I never got to say. So many things I never got to apologize for. Why Now? Why'd that bear choose to take her now?" Evan asked shakily. Carlos looked at him weird, A Bear? Had he not seen that thing clearly?so he spoke up "How do you think I feel?" Carlos asked.

"She shouldn't have put up with me the way she did. She never once complained about me" Carlos said as his voice started to break. "I was horrible to her, I would do nothing but give her trouble. Yet, I loved her...She made me feel normal, She made me feel like there was nothing wrong with me. I have no words for that." Carlos said as Evan gave him the 'You sure you're 12?' look.

"If heaven and hell are-" Carlos was cut off by a tidbit of information he'd never learned 'Elysium and Tartarus The voice said but Carlos ignored it "If they're real, I know she's in heaven, I know she's happy. She's finally been rid of me." Carlos said as they walked. Carlos knew he was a constant burden in his mothers life.

"Don't say that. Mom loved you and you know it." Evan said firmly "Do you really believe that?" Carlos asked Evan, Except, the tone of his voice wasn't what you'd expect. It wasn't a hopeful tone like it should've been, It was a questioning tone asking Evan if he was sure of himself.

Evan looked at Carlos as if to say 'What's Your Problem?' Carlos nearly smiled at that. Carlos knew it wasn't right to be smiling at a time like this. His mother was gone, There was nothing to smile about anymore. The world was cold and dark now without his mother on it anymore. There was no use for this planet if his mother wasn't walking it. The world could burn and die for all he cared. Carlos heard an ear splitting shriek in his head.

The word 'Death' rang out in Carlos's mind. As if on cue, Evan started to slow down. Carlos turned to look at Evan. He couldn't cry about this, Even if he wanted to. Carlos hated the fact that he couldn't cry. He was unable of it, The worst tragedy had happened to him just now and the most he could do was feel severely annoyed by it. He'd known it was coming any moment now. Even still, Carlos couldn't help it. He ran to Evan and let him fall into his arms.

Evan was getting colder by the second and he was getting increasingly pale. Carlos was fuming as he held Evan. Evan was crying silently, Emotions cycled on his face, Shock, Fear, Denial, then Relief. Evan had a look of relief on his face. "I'm sorry." Evan muttered.

Carlos said nothing "I'm sorry that I'm leaving you alone." Evan apologized, Carlos was a bit shocked and a bit angry, Why Was He Apologizing? Carlos didn't get it. Carlos never did understand emotions in general that well. He was never happy enough to smile, he was usually never sad enough to cry.

"Don't be so angry, okay?" Evan asked Carlos, Carlos wasn't angry, Was He? He didn't feel angry. "Please, Just try not to be so mad at the world." Evan asked. "I hope that shoulder wound doesn't take you out." Evan said "You  deserve to be happy, Carlos. You know that right?..." Evan said as his eyes started to flutter.

"No, Don't leave me, Please" Carlos said in an oddly strained voice. "I Need You. I can't continue without you." Carlos stated "Like you said, Keep Moving-" Evan coughed blood "Death isn't the end you know...Not really" Evan said as his eyes closed. Carlos couldn't believe it, Why was the world doing this to him? What had he done to deserve this? Carlos had somewhat believed in gods, He knew they were real. Who else would randomly fuck up his life for no reason? He knew gods were cruel in the myths.

This wasn't cruel, This was just sadistic. Carlos suddenly felt as if all the higher powers in the world had just decided to converge and unanimously decided to ruin his life. All the gods in all the pantheons suddenly wanted him to suffer. This was fine, Because Carlos was going to ensure that whatever had torn his Mother and Brother from him was going to suffer badly.

He was going to make sure of that, No matter what. Carlos suddenly let out a roar, A wail of Anger and Misery that he'd been holding in ever since he'd heard that thing whisper Death in his ear. The grass around Carlos started to die, The trees near him started to rot as he yelled. Evans' body was decaying rapidly much to Carlos's dismay.

"NO!" Carlos yelled as he tried to stop it. All the plant life around him was dying. He tried to stand but he couldn't because it hurt too much. He resorted to weakly trying to push himself off the ground one limb at a time. All the while, A voice was laughing in his head, Taunting him. Carlos wanted to kill whatever it was badly so it'd just shut up. He stood up and he had tunnel vision and he spun his head around rapidly trying to get a read on anything.

Carlos wanted to scream and shout but he didn't. He felt dizzy, Like he was going to pass out. He saw shadows start to whirl around him, His shadow, shadows of the trees, shadows of flowers and weeds bended to his will. Carlos screamed in pain, It felt like he was being torn apart, He felt as if he was bursting. Yet, He felt empowered, He felt like he could toss a semi truck yet, He couldn't move because of the unbearable pain. "Stop it! Stop it!" Carlos screamed as he touched his hand to the ground, Immediately the grass went from yellow to black as it started to steam.


Dont worry, it'll get better...hopefully.

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