Carlos Doesn't Do Disney

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Carlos was now soundly asleep on the back Of Cerberus 2. His sleep had been mostly peaceful until he was plagued by a dream. The dream started off in front of a huge pine tree, on a hill. Carlos stumbled past the pine tree and looked into the valley where he saw the most bizarre thing he could've imagined being in a valley. A bunch of buildings, some big some small but Carlos couldn't make out what they looked like due to the blinding sun.

Carlos stared at the valley with an almost awed look before snapping his head backwards when a voice came from behind him. "Who...are you?" A girls voice said and Carlos looked at her. The first thing he noticed was the girls strikingly pretty gray eyes, She had blonde princess curls, and a fighters build. Carlos could tell she was strong, "Answer Me." The girl demanded and Carlos raised his eyebrow before answering honestly. "I don't know." He said and that was when the dream ended.

Carlos woke and he was falling towards the sky at a rapid pace. "HOLY-" He was cut off by his breath being taken away. 'Wings! Come on! Come on! Dad Help!" He thought and his fall was suddenly slowed down as black wings sprouted from his back. Due to the sudden change in pace he spiraled out of control. Carlos dive bombed a random car which got totaled in the process and Carlos did not have insurance.

Carlos stumbled away from the wrecked car as he brushed off tiny bits and shards of glass. Carlos stopped at bench where he collapsed as he tried to get his heart beat back down to dangerously low levels. He was then toppled by a 250 pound rottweiler tackling him to the ground. Carlos however was in no mood for playtime as he somehow flung the dog off him. "What the hell happened!?" He shouted angrily at dog which whined "Explain why the hell I was falling from the top of a building!?" Carlos shouted.

"You said take you somewhere safe, That's what i did."  A voice spoke in his mind and Carlos was a bit shocked by it until he realized that it was Cerberus talking to him. "Y-You can talk?" Carlos asked him and Cerberus only barked "I've always been able to talk." .   "Well that's...Interesting. But, That doesn't explain why the hell I was falling from the top of a building!" Carlos said. "The underworld is safe for you, You'd be better off dead than alive."  Cerberus said "What?" Carlos asked. "Better off dead?" He questioned, "Better off dead indeed, Son of Thanatos. Your  father would agree."

"Well, I disagree and I would appreciate it if you didn't toss me off anymore buildings." Carlos said. Cerberus barked "If that is what you wish." He said and Carlos climbed back on top of him. "I've been well rested. Where are we headed?" He asked and Cerberus whined. "To a place where we're needed." He said "That was annoyingly vague." Carlos muttered as he got comfortable. Cerberus then started sprinting full speed ahead down the street.

This left Carlos with his thoughts, 'What was that dream? Who was that girl? Why did it feel so real?" we're some of the many questions that He had. He then remembered something he hadn't paid much attention to. "Hey...Cerberus...You know a bunch of stuff about like the Greek world right?" He asked and Cerberus whined. "Yes, Why do you ask?"  He spoke in Carlos's mind. "Do you know about a place called Camp Half-Blood?" He asked a Cerberus skidded to a stop.

"It's a camp. Filled with enemies. They are afraid of beings like me and you. They hunt my kind for sport." Cerberus says. "Monsters...They're all monsters then. Right?" Carlos asked as Cerberus nodded. "Is there any possibility of well...a human getting into that camp?" Carlos questioned and Cerberus whined "You aren't thinking about going there are you?" "No. Course not. You can continue now." Carlos says as Cerberus continued running.

"A camp filled with enemies? Why would they hunt things like Cerberus? It doesn't make sense. Camp Half-Blood. Got it. I'll stay far far away."  Carlos's thoughts were interrupted by Cerberus speaking in his head "We're here" He said and Carlos looked up. "Green Meadows High School?" He questioned as he slid off of Cerberus. "Really? A high school? What am I going to do here? Study? You said you were taking me somewhere I was needed!" Carlos said and Cerberus barked "Monsters. Inside." Carlos was a bit taken back by this. "Like...from camp half blood?" He said, he wouldn't admit it, but the thought of Camp Half-Blood terrified him. People that hunted dogs as big and strong as Cerberus for fun? Forget It.

"No. A different Adversary." Cerberus said "Yeah, because finding monsters I have no way of fighting is a great way to spend my time." Carlos said annoyedly. "It will be a learning experience on how to survive." At this point, Carlos was done with Cerberus. "I don't care if it's a learning experience. I don't care if this random high school is where I'm needed! I lived in the middle of nowhere! Nowhere! There's no way that some random monster that came straight out of a Greek mythology coloring book just somehow found my house! No! Someone sent that thing there! And that someone is the reason my mother and brother are dead! I want revenge! Don't you get that!? I mean of course you wouldn't you're just some stupid dog." Carlos said as he kicked a rock as he cried tears of anger.

"So...Unless it's a lesson on how to get me a weapon or...or how to kill someone with my bare hands...I don't want anything you have to teach me." Carlos said as he walked away from Cerebus. "Disney was wrong. All dogs do not go to heaven." Carlos mutters.

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