More Trauma...yay.

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Carlos P.O.V

Once again, My peaceful sleep was interrupted by dreams, Now, Don't get me wrong. I love sleeping as much as the next guy but it starts to get really annoying after you get plagued by another confusing dream. I was standing in the middle of some weird Greek themed place, There were a bunch of tables, 12 I think. All of the tables were empty except for one, Sitting at it was a girl with blonde hair, an orange T-shirt, and Gray eyes. It was the same girl from my other dream. I took a step forward and the girl looked up and saw me, She looked confused, Shocked even. She then gave me a look that made it feel like she was formulating the best way to beat my ass.

"How are you here?" She asked, It caught me off guard because I didn't even know how I was here if I was being honest, I looked at my hands, They weren't misty or transparent like a ghost. I shrugged at her and she glared at me which unnerved me. "Can you talk?" She asked and I was going to open my mouth but then I read her shirt. 'Camp Half-Blood' I decided against saying anything and I shook my head. If she knew I could talk she would ask my name, I decided giving out my name to a supposed enemy wasn't a good idea by any means.

I tried to take another step but this time my foot went through the ground as everything started to burn away. The last thing I saw was the girl reaching out to me. When I awoke I was immediately hit with the familiar feeling of blood on my face. I sat up and groaned, My ears were ringing, My head hurt, and my ribs felt like powder. I tried to stand up but my legs failed me as i fell onto my ass. "Ow...Dammit." I muttered as I tried to get up again. I was successful this time and I looked around, I was in a woods of some sort but I could tell this was real life. I grabbed my scythe from around my waist as I looked around.

My hearing was coming back and I could faintly hear whimpering in the distance. It wasn't human whispering though, It was dog  whimpering. "Cerberus!" I shouted as I ran in the direction of the whimpering.  'No, No, No, Come on you dumb dog.' I thought as I ran towards the sound. I would've missed it hadn't I stopped to listen again, To the right of me was a garbage truck sized lump laying limply on the ground. I ran over to it and as I thought, It was Cerberus. He was still alive, Thank God, but he was injured, He had blood spilling from a wound in his side.

I could feel  rage bubble up in me as a fire was lit in me. "Who did this to you. I'll kill them." I said to Cerberus. "No need, I will be...I will be fine in a few years...I'll reform." Cerberus said and i clenched my fist "In a few years? No. I'll kill the thing that did this. Was it one of those bastards from Camp Half-Blood? I swear I'll kill them." I said "You have much passion, Carlos. I admire that. But, Do not fret...In a few years time...I'll come back, By then...You will not need me as much."  Cerberus said and I sighed as I looked at his wound, It look like he'd been shot with a super sized bullet.

I stood up "Stay here...Stay alive. I'll be back. I'll kill the thing that did this then we'll get you to like a hell hound vet...Promise...Please Don't Die." I said as Cerberus looked at me "Stay Safe...Do not die foolishly, Carlos." Cerberus said but I didn't listen. I gave him one last look before running into the forest. I could feel something, It was lurking in the forest, In the darkest areas. I felt a chill race up my spine as I smiled "Got You." I said and I launched off the ground, How? I don't know but I did. I spun my scythe above my head before bringing it down on the ground, Everything in a 20 foot radius died as trees rotted and plant life died. "Stop Moving!" I shouted as I charged at the creature again, I slashed but I only ended up uprooting a tree.

I groaned in annoyance "This is getting annoying!" I shouted as I felt something coming at me from behind 'Wings!' I thought as they appeared on my back and a flew straight over the beast. I finally got a good look at the thing now that it was in sunlight. The creature had a black, horse-like head with three protruding from its forehead, and exceeded the size of an elephant. "You overgrown Dinosaur!" I said as it charged, all three horns pointing at me. That's when I noticed the middle horn had blood on it, Fresh by the looks of it. Cerberus. This thing was definitely dying now.

 I groaned as I dodged the the things, It ended up charging straight into a tree which spewed splinters everywhere that got stuck in my wings which I used to block the unintentional assault."My wings!" I shouted as I felt the sharp pain shoot throughout them. My wings disappeared into black smoke. "One of those horns are coming back with me." I said as the monster charged. I sidestepped and plunged my scythe into the beasts side, I ran it along the length of creatures body as I nearly stumbled. I looked at the thing, Every time I saw the blood on it's horn I got angrier. I couldn't help but think about Cerberus who was currently out in the forest dying slowly and suffering. This thing was the cost of it.

The ground started to shake as the ground split open, Skeletons, Fresh and Old rose from the ground holding Spears, Swords, and Battle Axes. I immediately fell to my knees in exhaustion as I looked up. The skeletons were looking at me, They were awaiting commands "Kill that overgrown dino!" I shouted as they turned towards the beast and charged. I slumped against a tree as black dots filled my vision. "Holy-" I said but I was cut off by an overwhelming wave of nausea. I was in and out of it for a bit, I would always wake up in a different place somehow. When I woke up the first time, I was by Cerberus, The second time, I was watching the Skeletons attack the dinosaur, The third time I was slumped on a tree. 

When I woke up for good I was leaning against a tree. I could see the skeletons, The one with the battle ax went up to the fallen beast but I stopped it, This was my kill. I grabbed my scythe which had fallen to the ground while I was in and out of it. I walked over to the beast and I grabbed one of it's horns and I pulled with all my strength and with a loud Pop sound, The horn came right out. There was now a gaping hole in the middle of it's head. I sliced it's head off with my scythe and It disappeared in a shower of golden light.

I dry heaved in exhaustion as I fell to a kneel. I forced myself to stand "Help me" I commanded two of the skeletons. They hooked my arms around their shoulders and I started to slowly walk to where Cerberus was. After a few minutes of grueling work, I made it and I collapsed next Cerberus. "You okay?" I asked him, I could feel the bile rising in my throat. "You survived...against the odontotyrannos?" Cerberus asked and I smiled "If you mean the super huge dinosaur...Then yeah...I survived...Not a scratch on me." I said and Cerberus whined "And you have discovered your powers." He said, I could tell he was talking about the skeletons.

"Yeah, Got my own personal entourage...Nearly killed me when they came from the ground but still...Pretty cool right?" I said and Cerberus let out a noise that resembled a laugh "It seems you did not need me after all...You discovered your powers on your own and you seem to be a capable fighter."  I started to fight back tears of anger "God dammit! Stop it! Stop being so happy and nonchalant about this! you are DYING! Don't you get that? Why are you so calm!?" I shouted. "I have done this many times over...Since my birth almost a thousand years ago...I've been bound to train and help the grandchildren of the primordial of night..." Cerberus said.

"Two sons of Hypnos...3 sons and 1 daughter of Eris...1 daughter from Ate." Cerberus said "But you...Carlos Castillo. Are the first son of Thanatos I've guided to safety." Cerberus said "I'm bad luck. I can tell...You've never died guiding any of my cousins to safety, Have you?" I asked and Cerberus whined sadly which confirmed my guess. "I'll be here. When you come back. In a few years...I'll be here. I'll be waiting." I said as tears started to spill. "You were the first one to give me a name...I look forward to our reunion."  Cerberus said and we sat in silence for a few moments before Cerberus started to glow golden.

I grabbed onto his fur "No!" I shouted "Don't take him away!" I begged "Dad! Please! No! You already did this with Mom and Evan! Not Him!" I shouted at my dad. I knew he was here, Cerberus wouldn't be dying if he wasn't. "Dad...Please..." I said as Cerberus disappeared. "Fuck! Cerberus! Cerberus!" I cried out. I dry heaved as I felt the overwhelming urge to throw up. "Fuck! Why!?" I shouted as I gripped my head. "I hate you!" I shouted, I knew my Dad was still around, I could feel it. "I Hate You! I Hate You! I Hate You!" I screamed into the night.

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