The HighSchool Isn't Very Musical

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Carlos P.O.V

I sat down on a nearby bench as I pulled my knees to my chest. I could hear Cerberus' thumping...paw steps? Coming my way. I looked up at Cerberus sitting in front of me with his head tilted. "Go away. I'll be fine on my own from now on." I stated untruthfully. "I understand you are distressed young Castillo. That is no reason to make rash decisions." Cerberus said.

"No, They aren't rash. They're decisions I'm making because I couldn't possibly learn anything from you." I said and Cerberus whined "I admit, The things I'm trying to teach you, aren't exactly the most useful. But they're things you should know." He stated and I shook my head "I want to learn something useful. I don't care what you have to teach me otherwise." I said and Cerberus let out a sound that resembled a sigh "You are...difficult." He said, "Thanks. It's a talent." I stated.

"So, you can go back to whatever giant hell dog kennel you came from. I'm good from here." I said as I waved him off "I'll provide you with a weapon." Cerberus said and I snapped my head up, A weapon huh? I need one of those.."You can?" I asked, Cerberus nodded "A powerful one as well. Your father has deemed it so." He finished "I'm only agreeing to enter that building because I need a weapon. Got it?" I asked and Cerberus grinned at me.

We walked over to the entrance of Green Meadows High. "So, What's the game plan?" I asked but Cerberus plopped down in front of the school. "What are you doing? Aren't we going in?" I asked and Cerberus barked "You are going in, I must stay out here." He said and I shook my head "Wait? What? No! I can't do this on my own! You're the smart dog." I said and He barked again "You will know when the monster appears." Cerberus stated and I glared at him.

"What help is that going to be? And what if I don't know? Then what? An I just going to die?" I asked angrily, This dog was really starting to piss me off "You must hurry, Before the monster feasts on another teenager." Cerberus said and I grumbled as I walked towards the entrance "Oh, And Carlos." Cerberus said and I looked at him "Don't kill any teachers, and Happy Hunting." He said and I rolled my eyes as I walked into the school.

I walked through a door that led into the gym which was huge and empty. I immediately felt uneasy as my gut started to do flips, I considered running back out to Cerberus. I shook my head as I continued on, I walked out of the gym into a hallway which was dimly lit and the floors were shining like new. I walked down hallways, I checked classrooms, I checked bathrooms, I even checked the cafeteria more so because I was starving.

I walked back out into the main hallway where the stairs to the second floor were. I walked in-between the two staircases so I was facing the main door. I then noticed something on the floor and I looked down towards my reflection. My blood ran cold as I looked, There in the reflection was me but farther up, towards the second floor railing was a woman standing there behind me.

I nearly screamed but I kept my mouth shut as I felt my start to race. That was definitely the monster, Has it been in the school this whole time? How long has it been watching me. I felt a cold sweat run down my neck as I saw the monster starting down the stairs. I didn't want it to know I saw it, I had the element of surprise. I let out a deep breath and looked back in the reflection, The monster was gone from the stairs. It was right behind me now, I spun around as fast as I could and I threw my fist straight at the monster ladies face as I took off.

The lady was disoriented but I stretched out it's hand and sliced my arm open with it's claws. I yelped in pain as my arm exploded in pain. I continued running despite knowing it was futile, my blood would lead her to me. I dived into a classroom I started to pray. "Please dad, Help me, Please help me, I've never asked you for anything else in life just please do me this one thing. I-I don't want to die here." I said but nothing happened. "Of course...He doesn't care." I said as I shook my head as I stood up.

I could hear the monster lady getting closer as I sighed. "Sorry, Mom, Evan. I'm sorry I'm dying so soon." I said aloud before closing my eyes. Cerberus could communicate with me in my mind, Maybe I could do the same with his? 'Cerberus...I don't know if you're getting this...but...I'm sorry. I failed. I'm sorry for yelling at you. You were only trying to help and I was being immature. I apologize. Don't wait for me. I'm Dead.' I thought as I saw the lady in the frosted glass window.

I then felt something ice cold touch my hand, I look over and I saw a scythe completely black and 6 feet tall. I could feel my jaw drop as I grabbed it shakily. Dad has a scythe didn't he? Before I could continue my thoughts were cut off by glass shattered. The lady smashed through the door but she was different, she had flames for hair, a bronze leg, a donkey leg and talons. She flicked her head towards me and I swung my scythe as soon as she got close, The scythe cleaved through her head and to my surprise it went through the wall as smoothly as butter.

The lady crumbled into golden dust as I looked on in shock. I tore the scythe out of the wall with a half smile as I started to stand up. I nearly crumpled as I flexed my arm as I forgot about the slashes on it. I looked around and I walked over towards a cabinet and I opened it. It was filled with all kinds of science-y stuff but I grabbed alcohol and doused my arm in it. I then noticed something and I smirked to myself.

I walked out of the school with a backpack filled to the brim with makeshift explosives and a scythe that carved a line through the floor as I walked. I heard Cerberus before I saw him, He was howling a bunch as I walked over to him. I put on a grin as I walked over "You good C? You look kinda sad?" I asked and Cerberus leaped onto me as he licked my face a bunch. "Alright! Alright! You missed me!" I said as I laughed and Cerberus barked. "I got your message. I thought you hadn't survived." He said and I laughed as I patted him on the head and scratched his ears.

"I almost didn't. My dad helped me out." I said as I gestured at the scythe "Don't say I told you so or I'm sending you to the pound." I said as Cerberus barked "I'm only grateful that you are alive young Castillo." He said "Not going to be much longer if this doesn't get treated." I said as I showed him my slashes. "how did that happen" Cerberus asked "Lady with fire for hair and a fake leg." I said "Ah, An empousa...Servants to Hecate." Cerberus stated and I whistled "Goddess of magic right?" I asked and Cerberus nodded.

"Must be some pretty bad baddies...and I killed one easily!" I said "She sliced your arm open" Cerberus reminded me "Shut up!" I said as I climbed onto his back. "Where to now big guy?" I asked "To a safe place..." Cerebus said but he sounded downtrodden and sad as if it pained him. "What's wrong? You seem kind bummed out? Isn't this place safe?" I asked "Yes, It's a safe place for you" Cerberus said probably thinking his wording choices escaped me. I raised my eyebrow "You said for me. Why isn't the place safe for you?" I asked as Cerberus barked "There aren't many places for us hellhounds nowadays. But as long as you're safe. I will have completed my service to you father." Cerberus stated.

"What. No! No! I don't want to go if you're not there." I said and Cerberus shook his head "They will teach you much more than I could ever." He said "I don't care! You've done more for me in these hours than my father's done for me my entire life! I don't want you gone!" I said and Cerberus sighed "You will learn to accept your place there" He said "I doubt it." I said and Cerberus stayed silent and continued to walk.

"You should rest. You'll be notified in case of danger." Cerberus said and I sighed as I laid down on his back, I hung my backpack around his neck and I kept my scythe by my side. I closed my eyes as I dozed off.

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