Goats Suck.

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Carlo P.O.V

Once Cerberus had fully evaporated into golden dust and I yelled until my voice went hoarse. I finally stood up, grabbed my bag of explosives and my scythe. I started to walk away, My five skeletons followed after me. "No." I said and my skeletons stopped walking "Two of you...Build a grave for him. He deserves it." I said before continuing to walk away. Two of my skeletons hiked back over to where Cerberus died. I wandered through the forest, It was hot, humid, and wet. I nearly tripped over multiple small animals but eventually I made it out of where ever I was.

I was on a road yet I had no idea where I was, I hadn't really thought about directions and locations ever since I had met my father. I just had Cerberus guide me everywhere but now he was gone and I had the feeling I wouldn't be getting any help from now on. I looked down and up the road before groaning in annoyance as I realized there probably wouldn't be any civilization for miles behind and ahead of me and that thought annoyed me to no end. 

I fastened my scythe to my waist before continuing to walk forward. I then promptly had my ribs broken by a mountain goat the size of a person. "OW!" I shouted as my body hit the pavement, I rolled around in pain as I heaved, "Why!? My ribs just healed!" I shouted as I grasped my torso. I turned around and I was looking down the shaft of a blade. "Who are you?" A males voice sad, I focused my eyes, It was a boy, He had dark curly hair, pale blue eyes, but further down...He had cloven hooves, He was half goat. "What the..." I muttered "Answer me, Who are you?" He asked again.

"Carlos Castillo. Pleasure. Now get your blade out of my face or I'll have my skeletons slice you to pieces" I said and my skeletons helpfully banged their weapons against the pavement. The half boy half goat muttered some words to his self before lowering his blade. "I'm  Andreas Galanis..." He said and I nodded as I stood up. "Why'd you kick me, Asshat?" I asked him "You smelled like the undead. and You're getting close to camp." Andreas said. Camp...Camp Half-Blood, The place full of enemies and monsters. "Like the undead? Do you not see the skeletons?" I asked and Andreas shook his head "No...You smell dead, Not the skeletons you" He said.

"Well, As you can see...I'm not dead." I stated and he rolled his eyes "Duh, I'm just saying...I can barely hear your heartbeat plus...In the nicest way possible. You look like shit." Andreas stated "Wow, That was rude." I said and he shrugged "But...Under all that dead and stuff...You smell like a...Demigod." He stated and I nodded "Yeah, I am." I said and he looked the slightest bit surprised "Just...Who are you?" He asked me. "I'm getting real tired of people asking me that." I said and Andreas raised his eyebrow before shrugging it off. "I gotta get you to camp. You'll be safer there." He said and I shook my head.

"No way, I've survived on my own this long and I plan to continue like that." I stated and Andreas sighed. "listen, You're the child of a god. And that attracts monsters so I need to-" I quickly shut him up by having one of the skeletons bring me my scythe* "As you can probably infer, I don't need help with the monster part." I stated as Andreas raised an eyebrow. "Listen, I'm a protector. It's kinda my job to get demigods like you to Camp." He stated as I groaned in annoyance.

I pointed my scythe at him "Screw Off, I don't want help, and I sure as fuck ain't going to no Camp." I stated but for some reason goat boy wouldnt give up. "You're annoying." Andreas stated and I nodded "I know." I said as I smirked before Andreas tugged on my shirt which was a bad idea because that action immediately made me angry. "touch me again I'll kill you." I stated as Andreas backed up and flashed his sword at me.

Now, was I really going to kill him? No. I was all talk. "Mutton Sounds real nice right about now." I said as I started to spin my scythe. Andreas glared at me "Im a Vegetarian and I don't really appreciate your lack of care about the natural world" He said and I frowned "The natural world? Theres nothing natural about this world. Everythings strange and different." I said "If Pan were here, He'd set things straight." Andreas said and I tilted my head "Pan? The cooking spray?" I asked and that seemed to set him off. "No idiot! Pan! The god of the wild!" Andreas shouted "Isn't he dead?" I asked and Andreas charged at me with his sword and I only dodged by a hair as I rolled onto the grass.

"Woah! Am I not allowed to ask questions!?" I asked as he charged at me again "Dude! I'd back up if I were you, I killed a dinosaur today, A goat man abomination is light work." I said in hope that he would back off because even if he was part goat, He seemed human. "Dinosaur?" Andreas asked and I nodded "Three horns, Not to brag but I beat that triceratops T-rex things ass." I said and Andreas sighed "You mean the odontotyrannos?" He asked. "I don't know what the hell a Odintotyrannosaurus is but sure."  I said.  "We really gotta get you to camp." Andreas  stated and I shook my head.

"Listen, I can't go there. They'll kill me." I said and Andreas tilted his head "Why would they do that?" He asked. "It's a camp full of monsters right? Monsters kill demigods like me all the time. I'd prefer to stay alive." I said and Andreas shook his head. "No! Gods no! That's not what Camp Half-Blood is! It's a sanctuary for demigods! They take demigods and train them for the world, Where the actual monsters are." He said and I raised my eyebrow.

No, That can't be right. Cerberus said it was a place full of enemies. Cerberus wouldn't lie to me...Never. "Fine." I decided "I'll check out this camp of yours." I said and Andreas smiled "Come on!" He went to grab my hand but I recoiled "You touch me and I'll kill you." I said trying to warn him about my cursed hands. "I thought we were past the whole wanting to murder each other thing." He said with a frown as I smirked "I'm never  past murder." I said before walking up the road. "Camps the other way." He stated and I could feel my face turn red "Right...Of course it is. I knew that." I stated before walking the other way as Andreas laughed at me. 

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