20. Love?

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The next chapter's synopsis is at the end.

I'm disappointed with the chapter; it didn't meet my expectations. This isn't what my quality work looks like, but please bear with it. I'm sorry.

My exams have me freaking out, and my mind isn't working right, resulting in this disappointing chapter.

So now that I've uploaded this chapter early, I want votes and comments. Target needs to be completed for you all to get updates early.

It's totally up to you.💁🏻‍♀️

Also, I've decided to simplify my English a bit. Some readers had trouble with advanced language, so I want to make it easier for everyone. I will adjust my writing style accordingly.

Also, follow me on Instagram, my ID is @authornova04.

Make my day by voting and commenting!🌟

1k+ Votes, 150+ Comments :)

♪ Milne Hai Mujhse Aai

♪ Milne Hai Mujhse Aai

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Never in his wildest dreams had he thought she was suffering so deeply within. He noticed her distant demeanor, and the constant sadness in her eyes, but the true extent of her pain was beyond his imagination. It wasn't until she finally opened up to him that he grasped the profound strength she had, silently enduring all along.

From the moment he first laid eyes on her, an inexplicable madness took hold of him. He couldn't put a name to this overwhelming feeling. Like a moth to a flame, he was drawn to her, unable to resist the magnetic pull of her mysterious allure.

He had declared numerous times that he wouldn't abandon her, using it as a veiled threat to unearth the identity of the one responsible for her wounds, pain, and the vacant look in her eyes. However, his commitment to staying by her side had evolved beyond an investigative strategy; he found solace in her presence, and she yearned for someone to share her burdens with.

Lost in his thoughts, he descended to his office downstairs. The entire house lay in quiet repose, with only the echoes of his footsteps breaking the silence. Halting by his desk, he grasped the telephone and began tapping numbers, reaching out to someone who could assist him in navigating through this tangled mess.

Dialing the specified number, a few rings later, a familiar voice answered on the other end. The line connected to another state, and he quickly briefed the person about the situation, urging them to resolve the mess within two days.

Without wasting any more time, he ended the call and made his way to the kitchen. Retrieving a box of vanilla ice cream, he scooped it into two bowls. As he ascended the stairs, the silence enveloped him, in stark contrast to the chaos swirling within his head... and heart.

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