Chapter 18

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In part to distract Kanti, Cyrus suggested that they take Valerie to visit the guilds that she was considering. First, they headed toward the Guild of the Knights of Light. The building was shaped like a ring. The trio walked through a tall arch that was etched with the words "Power, Courage, Mercy." The words glowed gold against the gray stone. Once they passed through, they entered the middle of the ring, which was outdoors. Valerie could see Conjurors practicing their combat techniques with different types of weapons that ranged from swords to long jagged spears that shot lightning.

Immediately, a tiny fairy the size of Valerie's hand flew over to greet them.

"Hello! I'm Kellen. Are you all potential new recruits?" he asked in a voice that was surprisingly loud and deep for someone so tiny.

"Only me—I'm new. I arrived yesterday from Messina. I've always dreamed of being a knight, so I thought this might be a good fit for me," Valerie explained.

"Raised on tales of King Arthur and chivalry, no doubt," Kellen replied. "You know, it's not all glory and rescuing damsels in distress. We do serious work here. Not to mention, it's no place for you if you don't have a stomach for paperwork."

Valerie nodded. "I've always wanted to be able to protect those who need it," she said, remembering all the foster kids like her in situations where they couldn't defend themselves. Even now, Daniel could be in another dangerous situation. She forced herself to shake off the thought.

"Her power is expressing itself as combat skills," Kanti added.

"Let's see what you can do," Kellen said, and then called to a tall, wiry man. "Gideon! Spar with this girl."

Gideon strode over and seemed to size Valerie up in a single glance."I'm not ready! I thought I could take a look around," she said nervously.

"Trouble never waits for you to be ready. Now, spar!" Kellen shouted.

Valerie reached out to shake Gideon's hand. Without saying a word, he grasped her hand, and seconds later, she was flat on her back. She had no idea how it had happened.

She jumped to her feet, adrenaline gushing through her system along with something else—something pure and brilliant. For the first time, she could release her magic without struggling against the bonds on Earth, and the immensity of it almost overwhelmed her senses. Which might have been why Gideon landed several firm but not painful blows before she even had her bearings.

She decided to let this incredible power take over. She didn't have to be afraid of unleashing it anymore. She was on the Globe now, and she could embrace the potential that had been trapped inside her for so long. The next time that Gideon reached out to hit her, Valerie blocked his lightning-fast punch. She countered with a kick of her own, which Gideon dodged.

Kanti, Cyrus, and Kellen watched as the sparring continued. Valerie managed to land a few blows, but she spent most of her time barely fending off Gideon's swift, efficient attacks, even with her power at full blast.

Finally, Kellen nodded. "Acceptable. You may apprentice here if you wish."

"Thank you," Valerie said to Kellen and Gideon.

Gideon turned to her and nodded his head briefly, respect in his eyes. Then he disappeared through one of the many doors that led to the inner rooms of the Guild. She had never once heard his voice.

"Frankly, we need every new recruit," Kellen admitted. "The Fractus have been ambushing my Knights. They have some new creatures working with them who are almost impossible to beat. All of the Knights have a strong power, but these creatures seem born to defeat them."

The Society of Imaginary Friends (Book 1 of The Conjurors Series)Where stories live. Discover now