Chapter 30

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The next day, Valerie awoke to find a strange green creature bustling around her room. He was about half her size with enormous ears, long, tapered fingers and sharp, fanged teeth. At first, his appearance frightened her, reminding her of an evil goblin in a fairy tale.

But the creature's demeanor was all business, and when he saw that she was awake, he walked briskly to her side. "I'm Nightingale, Master Healer," he said in a low, soothing voice. "I've been watching over you for the past two days, and it's high time that we got you up and out of that bed. The only way you'll completely heal is if you stretch your muscles."

"It's nice to meet you. And thanks for taking care of me." Without thinking, Valerie sat up and swung her legs over the side of her bed. Her body ached, protesting the quick movement.

Nightingale winced in sympathy. "Sorry, I should have warned you. Though your broken bones and muscle tears were healed, there is still some bruising. You'll have to tread carefully for the next couple of weeks," he said, handing her a glass of bubbling liquid. "You're from Messina, right?"

"Um, yeah," she replied, uncomfortable with the lie.

"Then this is probably your first time drinking Elixir. Think of it as a kind of magical painkiller. One that will not just make you feel better, but will also accelerate your body's healing process."

Valerie gulped the drink down, trying not to gag at its bitterness. Even on the Globe, medicine tasted terrible. But seconds later, the stiffness in her muscles eased and she was able to stand with Nightingale's help.

"There are some Conjurors hovering at the door who have been waiting to see you all morning. Shall I let them in?"

She grinned and nodded. When Nightingale opened the door, Kanti and Cyrus burst through.

"Sleep late enough, Val?" Cyrus said.

"I'd think you'd be up at dawn, ready for our adventure! We're already packed—I put some clothes and your sword in the call box for you," Kanti added breathlessly, her eyes sparkling. "I can't believe you get an armed guard! This is so cool."

"Back up a sec. What's happening?"

"Keep your voices down; this is a place of recovery," Nightingale admonished before he left the room.

"Azra's sending the three of us to Messina to hide out at my parents' house. We're going to get a Knights' escort and everything! It will be almost impossible for Sanguina or anyone to find you in Messina, because if anyone uses their powers anywhere on the island, an alarm goes off and the police are there within seconds to arrest them," Cyrus said. Then he winced. "Unfortunately, I know that from personal experience."

"They take the whole not using magic thing really seriously there, huh?" Kanti said, intrigued. "I mean, I knew that using magic was taboo, but they actually arrest you?"

"Oh, yeah. I had to spend a night in jail once after I used my power to impress this gir-um, I mean, when I used my power," Cyrus said. He glanced at Valerie. "Not an experience I want to repeat."

"I don't get it—why do they hate magic so much?" Kanti asked.

"My parents say that using magic only leads to war and violence, and that if all Conjurors had repressed their powers, they would never have had to leave Earth in the first place. So they have tried to make Messina as much like Earth as possible—a country of science instead of magic."

"It sounds so different from any place I've ever visited," Kanti said.

But Valerie wasn't paying attention. "I don't understand why Azra is sending me away," she said, bewildered. What about their conversation the night before about finding a way to save Henry?

The Society of Imaginary Friends (Book 1 of The Conjurors Series)Where stories live. Discover now