Chapter 27

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The next day, after getting grudging permission from Dulcea, Valerie walked to the Guild of the Knights of Light while Cyrus and Kanti went to the Guardians to alert them to the fact that Zunya was projecting to Earth. After much discussion, they decided that they couldn't tell anyone that Zunya might be after Valerie without revealing that she was from Earth.

For protection, Valerie carried her sword, Pathos, with her everywhere she went. She noticed people eyeing her warily as she carried the naked weapon around the streets of Silva. When she arrived at the Knights' Guild, it was bustling as usual, full of Conjurors of all ages practicing their skills and taking lessons.

She wandered around and soon found Gideon teaching what looked like a karate class full of Knight apprentices a few years younger than she was. He nodded to acknowledge that she had arrived, and motioned her to join in. He said little, demonstrating graceful martial arts forms that the class mimicked.

She fell into a rhythm, and her body moved naturally through the forms. She experimented with allowing her power to supplement her strength, and then stopping the flow of magic so that she was relying only on her own body and mind.

All too soon, Gideon bowed to the class. "Excellent. You are all progressing well. Practice what you have learned each day, and I will see you next week," he said in a soft, low voice.

As the class departed, Valerie approached him. "Thank you for letting me join your class today."

"You have a talent for this," he replied.

"Because of my power, you mean."

"Not only your power. You have the spirit of a great warrior, one who uses physical strength as a last resort to solve problems." She flushed, deeply flattered yet embarrassed by his compliment. "But you did not come here today to take this class. What would you like to ask me?"

"First, I wanted to tell you that yesterday I saw Zunya. I heard that he's a wanted criminal, and I thought the Knights should know that he's in Arden."

Gideon's face darkened. "This explains much. We have suspected that someone has been spying, watching the Knights' every move. It may be that Zunya has been observing us undetected. I will tell Kellen what you have seen." Then, seeing the expression on Valerie's face, he said, "Is there something else?"

"Three days ago, my friends and I were attacked in the forest by Zunya's gang. We were outnumbered, but as I fought them, my power rushed through me, and I thought I could take them all on and win—easily. But then, the leader brought out a power-eater. It didn't even touch me, but when he turned it toward me, all of my magic vanished. It was scary. I was defenseless. I'm so vulnerable without my power, not only to Zunya and his gang, but to anyone or anything that could take my magic."

"You are wise to realize this so young."

"Could you teach me to fight both with and without my power? I want to know that I can defend myself, even if my power fails me. I wouldn't take up too much of your time. Would you give me permission to participate in the classes you teach—even if I decide that I don't want to become a Knight?"

"Yes. And my classes are open not only to you, but to anyone who wishes to learn combat for self-defense."

"Thank you. I think my friends might come, too."

"I will tell you this, because I can sense that your spirit is old, though your flesh is young: a battle is brewing. The Fractus attack us more frequently, and they even dare to attack us in the heart of Arden, not only on the borders. There will come a time when we will need everyone who is able to defend our land. It would be my honor to train you and your friends as warriors."

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