Chapter 29

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"Is she awake yet?" Valerie heard Cyrus ask.

"Not yet," Dulcea said, sounding worried and exhausted. "But I think she's stirring."

Not yet ready to face the waking world, Valerie reached for unconsciousness, hoping for the relief of oblivion for a little longer. But no such luck. With every passing second, she became more and more awake as the pain radiating through her body refused to let her slip away. She struggled to open her eyes, which were swollen. Her entire face must be twice its normal size.

When she opened her eyes part way,the world was hazy, as if everything was slightly out of focus. She was in along room filled with beds, reminding her of the Oakland Children's Hospital, but without the insistent beeping of machines. She had never been so tired and beaten down in her life. This was even worse than the many times she had awakened,weak and alone, after one of her fainting episodes back on Earth. Her eyes filled with tears as she remembered Dr. Freeman's calm voice telling her that everything would be okay. A tear slid free of her lashes.

Cyrus hurried to her side."Finally! You scared us. You've been out for more than a day."

Dulcea bent down to briefly cup Valerie's face, her wide eyes filled with worry. "We were scared Sanguina put you under some kind of spell to make you sleep."

"I knew you guys shouldn't have gone without me!" Kanti said indignantly. Valerie assumed she was the blurry shape sitting on the end of the bed. "I would have been on the lookout and none of this would have happened."

The weight that lay heavy on her heart lifted a little. It was nice to awaken from unconsciousness surrounded by friends instead of machines. She tried to tell them she was glad that they were there, but the insides of her mouth were so bruised and swollen that the effort made her wince. Hadn't they heard of pain medication on the Globe yet?

"Don't try to talk until you're healed,"Cyrus said, bending close.

The smell of lilies filled the room, and Valerie heard the gentle clop of Azra's hooves against the floor. I am so sorry that this has happened to you.But you'll feel better soon; I'm here to heal you. I couldn't do it until you were conscious again. Then she turned to a shadowy figure standing at the edge of the room. Oberon, you know what to do.

Oberon stepped forward, his eyes staring blankly at a spot above Valerie's head. When she'd first tripped over him on the street, she hadn't realized how tall he was. Now looming over her, his presence was overpowering, and she shrank away from him. Azra lowered her head,and Oberon touched her mane, reaching for her horn. When he found it, he said some words in a strange language. Azra's horn vibrated, and the hum of magic filled the room. Then he grasped the horn and pulled it free from Azra's forehead, leaving no mark behind. Valerie was horrified. Why was no one stopping him?

"Get away from her!" Valerie said,her mouth filling with blood. She struggled to sit up, but Cyrus held her back.

"Don't hurt yourself! It's okay,that's supposed to happen," Cyrus explained.

Don't be afraid. I'm not hurt, Azra said, and her soothing voice in Valerie's mind calmed her. My healing power is in my horn, but I need help to call it forth. Oberon has aided me many times. He's a friend.

In Oberon's hand, the horn was like a cone-shaped cup, completely hollow inside. Valerie watched, mystified,as he held Azra's horn in one hand and held his other hand open above the opening. The room hummed with magic, and condensation formed on his palm. The droplets of water increased in number, creating a pool of water that he channeled down his finger and into the empty horn.

"Here," Oberon said gruffly, and held out the horn. Dulcea took it and gently put it to Valerie's lips.

It's okay. Let us help you.

The Society of Imaginary Friends (Book 1 of The Conjurors Series)Where stories live. Discover now