Chapter 21

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Cyrus and Kanti left to gather supplies for their journey, and Valerie immediately concentrated on Thai. She was amazed at how effortless it was to return to Earth.

He was sitting at a table with a huge group of people that she guessed were his parents and siblings. They were a happy group, laughing and playing around with each other. It was how she imagined the perfect family would be. She had pictured it a thousand times all those years while she was waiting to be adopted.

For a second, she panicked that they would see her. Then she remembered her lesson from Cyrus on projecting to Earth. It was up to her to choose who could see her, and she only wanted to be seen by Thai.

She relaxed when his parents and siblings looked right through her. It was almost as if she were a ghost, and the thought sent a chill through her. It would be so easy for the Fractus to watch Henry without his knowledge and learn everything about him, including his greatest fears. Then they could use that information against him, to terrify him into doing what they wanted. But what would drive the Fractus to such lengths to control him?

Thai saw her and almost choked on his noodles. She couldn't help the smile that tugged at her mouth. It was good to see him so happy. He said something to his family in Vietnamese, and then left.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I can come back later."

"It's fine, we were finishing up anyway. Something's wrong, I can tell."

She quickly explained to Thai what she had discovered about Henry and her visions. To her surprise, he didn't seem shocked.

"I knew you were seeing something real. I watched you when you had your vision at Stonehenge, and whatever you were experiencing was really happening to you. You were so afraid that you were shaking in my arms. And no regular dream sends someone to a hospital."

"I have a huge favor to ask. When we figure out where Henry is, will you go to him? I'm so afraid that Venu will be after him next. And Henry has no idea what's happening to him! He's never heard of the Globe. He must think that he's going crazy, or that monsters are really trying to hurt him."

"That's horrible," Thai said with a shudder. "I can't imagine going through my change without Midnight's help. I would have lost my mind."

"I'm so scared for him."

"Of course I'll help in any way I can."

"What about Tan? Will he be able to handle this trip? I know that you're sharing your body with him more and more, and I don't want you to sacrifice his—or your—health."

"Tan will be okay. He's getting stronger every day, and he's beginning to understand more of what's happening. I'm sure he'll want to help you, too. So consider us both in on your plan," Thai said confidently. "Now, where was Henry last seen?"

"If Kanti's right and this is her old friend, then he used to live in America. Also, in my vision, he spoke English without an accent of any kind, so I think chances are he probably does live there."

"I'll go straight there. And as soon as you find him, I'll be ready."

"Thank you so much. I feel so much better knowing that you'll be there to protect him."

Valerie let herself be pulled back to her body on the Globe, and she opened her eyes. Kanti was rushing around the room, yanking clothes out of drawers and throwing them into a silver box that sat in the middle of the floor. It was full of food, clothes, a water jug, and an assortment of other strange objects.

"How will we carry that box on our journey? Wouldn't backpacks be easier?"

Kanti put the lid on the box. "It's a call box. We leave it right here in this room, and when we need something, we call for it and it appears wherever we are on the Globe. I packed you some clothes and food, and Cyrus is grabbing his stuff as we speak."

The Society of Imaginary Friends (Book 1 of The Conjurors Series)Where stories live. Discover now