Chapter 35

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Valerie, Cyrus, and Kanti managed to sneak back to the house that night without waking Cyrus's parents, so luckily no one got in any real trouble. It was a quiet breakfast the next morning because no one knew what to say after the blowup the night before. Valerie caught Cyrus's mother shooting him a worried glance. She did care about him. She probably didn't know how to deal with a son who was different.

"Um, Mother, Father, is it okay if I borrow the car to show Kanti and Val around the island? They want to see the science museum and stuff."

"Fine, but no bending any rules this time," Mr. Burns said sternly. "We have a reputation to protect that's still recovering from your last visit."

"Cara, want to come with us?" Cyrus asked.

His sister's mouth fell open in surprise. "Really? Why?"

"You probably know more about science than I do. You can give a better tour. Plus, I hardly ever get to see you."

Valerie saw a grin flash briefly across Cara's face that she tried to hide. "All right. I'll go, as a favor."

As everyone put on their shoes, Mrs. Burns quietly slipped a few brightly colored bills that Valerie guessed was Messinian money into Cyrus's hand. "Have fun today. Take your friends somewhere nice to eat for dinner," she said, and Valerie read the apology in her eyes.

"Thanks, Mother," Cyrus said, giving her a quick hug and a small smile.

They started to head out the door, but Mr. Burns suddenly stepped out in front of Cyrus and Valerie, blocking their exit. "You two had better watch what you say around Cara. No talking about magic and making her yearn for things that will ultimately destroy her. The last thing we need is another bad influence in her life."

"Fine," Cyrus retorted through clenched teeth. "Excuse us!" Mr. Burns, with anger flashing in his eyes, silently stepped aside, and Valerie and Cyrus hurried out the door.

Outside, Valerie briefed Gideon on their plan for the day. Gideon decided that the wolves would scout the island while he accompanied Valerie and her friends on their tour of Messina. The reminder of the possible danger that Gideon and the wolves were protecting her from made her fingers cold.

"Gideon, has there been any word from Azra?" she asked. Cyrus and Kanti moved closer, curious to hear the answer.

Gideon's face was serious. "I spoke with a messenger from Azra this morning at dawn. New charms have been placed on the fortress where Sanguina lives, making it impossible for enemies to find. Wandering around the mountains of Dunsinane is dangerous, so Azra and the Grand Masters with her have returned to Arden to discuss a new strategy."

"Does that mean—" Valerie started to ask, but Mr. Burns' approach interrupted their conversation.

"Why are you still standing around? If you're not going to the museum, there's plenty of work around the house you can all help with!" Mr. Burns said sternly.

"We're going, we're going!" Cyrus said, hustling everyone toward the car.

When the door slammed closed, Kanti turned to Cara and burst out, "You must be ready to scream, living in that house. Your parents are so uptight that they could crack walnuts between their butt cheeks!"

"Tell me about it, and they're so over-protective," Cara said with a huff of impatience. "They have to know where I am every second of the day."

Kanti then started asking her questions about her science classes and life on Messina. Their chatter eased the tension that had weighed on them all when Cyrus's parents were around. Soon, they reached the science museum and parked.

"I'll be scouting the area to make sure it's safe," Gideon said, obviously needing some space from the chattering teenagers.

Inside, the museum reminded Valerie of the science museum in San Francisco that she had visited once on a field trip. Other than a few differences, such as the advanced use of light energy to power the city, she didn't learn anything new. But Kanti was completely fascinated by the exhibits, and Cara enjoyed playing teacher and explaining concepts to someone older than she was.

Valerie and Cyrus hung back, pausing to examine a pool filled with underwater creatures that they could pick up and touch. Valerie cradled a bright purple, spiky creature in her hand. It purred when she petted it, like a cat. She was about to ask Cyrus to tell her about it when a girl with curly blue hair whose arms were covered in glittery tattoos suddenly stopped, staring at Cyrus.

"Cyrus?" she squeaked. "You're back? I have to tell everyone! Give me a huge hug!"

Without waiting for him to even stand up, the girl sat on his lap and threw her arms around him. "Without you, there has been, like, no excitement. Are you here to stay?"

"No, I'm only visiting. Val, this is Shelley, an old friend."

"Friend? We were a little more than that, weren't we? As of last summer?" Shelley asked, sounding a little offended.

"Yeah, um, of course. So what are you doing here, anyway?" Cyrus said, obviously desperate to change the subject.

"I work here, duh," she replied, pointing to her shirt, which was stitched with the museum's logo. "The real question is, what are you doing here, since it's obviously not to see me?" Shelley pouted.

Cyrus relented and smiled. "It is really good to see you. I miss everyone. Think your mom will ever let you visit me?"

"I wish. I bet you have such a rockin' good time in Arden. Is that where you're from?" Shelley asked Valerie.

But before she could reply, Cyrus jumped in, "Yup, she's an Arden native. So, are there any good parties going on tonight? We could use some fun."

"Yeah, there's one at the Where-o-well. Should be cool—Frankie's got some new Earth music that he says is pretty good. So if you two are up for dancing, come!" Shelley said, and then scooted off Cyrus's knee.

"Definitely. And hey, good to see you, really," Cyrus said before he and Valerie walked away to find Cara and Kanti.

After Shelley was out of earshot, Valerie said, "Old girlfriend of yours, player?"

"What? No. Well, yes, kinda. But now we're friends. What are you getting on my case for?" Cyrus asked, flustered.

"Whoa, relax. Shelley seemed cool. I'm excited to go to my first Messinian party and meet your friends."

"What party are we talking about?" Kanti asked as she and Cara joined them. Cyrus filled them in, and they were both excited to go, Kanti for the music and dancing, Cara for a chance to hang out with the older crowd.

Gideon soon joined them, and the group left the museum. The rest of the day flew by as Cyrus and Cara took them around the city, pointing out the major sights, such as a set of giant, five-story statues of the Globe's founders, including Azra, and an elaborate garden in the middle of the city where botanists from around the world came to study. Gideon insisted on scouting every location for signs of anything suspicious, but if he saw anything out of the ordinary, he didn't mention it.

The Society of Imaginary Friends (Book 1 of The Conjurors Series)Where stories live. Discover now