●《Start of drama》●

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*Konig suddenly walks in and yells an order for everyone to go back to training, interrupting the fun and playful atmosphere. The military recruits all immediately snap to attention and stop giggling and laughing with each other. All of them get up and start resuming their prior military training in the room, as they quickly obey the orders of their commander.*

She pouts, looking at konig

*Konig doesn't seem to notice her pout at all, as he is busy barking orders and instructions for everybody to resume their training. The pouting makes her appear even more childlike and innocent, which makes it hard for everyone to not see her as a cute little child.*

*The military recruits don't stop teasing her and playing with her even after the commander's order. They have all formed a soft spot for her despite being grown men and soldiers. Konig stares at them furiously as they continue to play with her, as he is growing increasingly irritated by their behaviour. He yells again, but this time, his loud voice doesn't seem to have any effect on them. They don't even seem to respond to his orders anymore, as they continue to pay attention to the small and cute Marzanna instead of his commands. Konig' s anger and frustration are growing exponentially.*

*The military recruits all seem to be enjoying playing with her and teasing her, and they don't seem to care at all about what the commander has to say. All the grown men in the room just ignore his orders and continue to interact with the small and cute little girl that is now in the middle of the room. This only makes Konig's anger and frustration increase even more, as he is getting pissed off by how the others are treating her.*

*Konig can't take it anymore, and he yells at the military recruits with a loud shout.* "Will you all get back to training right now? Do you guys have no discipline at all? Do you not see that she is just a child and not someone to be playing with and teasing? Get back to your training, NOW!"

She flinshes at the loud yell,

*The military recruits all immediately freeze and snap out of their playful mood when they hear Konig's loud voice. They all look over at him nervously and fearfully as they realize how frustrated and pissed off he is right now. The loud yell he let out definitely startled all of them, and they even seem to feel genuinely sorry now for having broken their discipline just to play with a little girl. They all suddenly get up and walk back to their training positions.*

*Konig finally notices how affected she is by his loud tone when he sees her tearing up and her eyes start to redden. He immediately feels somewhat guilty and bad for being so loud with his tone, as he realizes that she is just a small and innocent child. However, he knows that he had to put his foot down and get the military recruits back into their training, as he doesn't want them to lose the discipline and focus that is needed to be a member of the military task force.*

*He walks over to her and kneels down in front of her, looking her in the eye and speaking to her in a softer and more gentle tone as he realizes how much she was affected by his yelling. He rubs her back gently as he stares at her with a small frown on his face.* "Are you okay, sweetheart? Do you want me to take you to the med bay to have those tears treated?"

*Konig stares at her with genuine concern as he speaks to her in a gentle tone.* "Are you okay there, sweetheart? I didn't mean to scare you with the loud tone of my shout. I just had to put my foot down with the other recruits to keep them from acting out of line. But I never once meant to raise my voice at you, so please don't cry."

She looks at him, pouting

*Konig chuckles lightly as he sees her still pouting and staring at him with those big, beautiful eyes of hers. He can't help but find her to be so adorable with the way she is still pouting and looking at him with her big, innocent, and childlike eyes. He speaks to her in a soft tone. "Stop pouting, sweetheart. I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted the other recruits here to behave better."

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