Chapter 1

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Hot shot is a very active and playful child. He just turned five years old. Hot shot loves to run, jump, climb and play. He loves to have fun and enjoys it very much. He lives with his parents Heatwave and Quickshadow. They all live in Houston Texas.

Heatwave his father is a firefighter with EMT training. He is very brave and strong. he has saved many lives in his line of work. He is very calm in an emergency. He taught Hot shot all about fire safety and how, why and when to call 911. He told him 911 is only for emergencies, and Hot shot nodded his head. Heatwave was proud of how smart Hot shot is. He is a very loving and loyal husband and father, he loves his wife and son very much. He protects both of them. They love him very much too.

Quickshadow his mother is a pediatric cardiologist who works at Texas children's hospital. She treats her patients like her own child, and tries to help them get better. She works well with the others in the teams she is apart of in the hospital. She doesn't worry too much when Hot shot gets a little cold or scrape or bruise being a doctor and all. She is a very loving and devoted wife and mother, she loves her husband and son with all of her heart. She helps them both whenever she can. They love her very much as well.

Hot shot also has other family members too. Heatwave's parents who are his grandparents on his father's side live in San Antonio. He calls them Granny and Pawpaw. He loves them very much. They have a nice house and Hot shot sometimes is able to visit them. Also on his father's side are his aunt and uncle, his aunt is his father's older sister and his uncle is his father's brother in law. He also has three cousins from his aunt and uncle. They see each other at times too.

Quickshadow's parents who are his grandparents on his mother's side live in London England. He calls them Grandad and Grandmum. He loves them very much. They have a lovely house. Sometimes they are able to fly over on a plane to see them in England. Sometimes Grandad and Grandmum would fly over on a plane to see them in Texas. Also on his mother's side he had an uncle, who was his mother's twin brother. His uncle was fabulously wealthy, he is an actor, live streamer, product endorser and has his own products, toy, and fashion line too. He spoils his nephew and other family members whenever he can. He is also a very generous man by donating to charities to help people and animals alike.

There also some family friends he is close too as well. Heatwave has three friends have been like brothers to him for a long time. They are still good friends. Their names are Chase, Blades and Boulder. They are all very close. Boulder built Hot shot's play set and Hot shot loves to play on it whenever he can. Blades taught Hot shot the importance of using safety gear and knowing when to ask for help. He gave Hot shot his first helmet for his bike which has training wheels on it. Chase gave Hot shot some toy vehicle which Hot shot sometimes plays with. Hot shot calls them his uncles out of pure affection.

Hot shot is a very active and playful child. Hot shot is a fast runner, he is an excellent jumper on the trampoline, he climbs like monkey, and he loves to play very much. Hot shot also is a very big sports fan. Hot shot is able to play tee ball, he can play soccer, do martial arts and do gymnastics too. He also loves to watch Pokemon, animals shows, and shows about sports.

Hot shot has always been a very healthy child. He has never had any serious problems with his health. He has been very healthy and strong. He only has had a cold once or twice. The most serious injury he got was a scraped knee from when he fell from practicing how to roller skate. Hot shot just has been all around perfectly healthy, active and strong child. His parents were very happy about it too.

This family was very happy. Their lives were really good. They were pleased that things were going well for them so far. They felt like nothing could ever go wrong for them. They felt like life was going to continue on just like this.

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