Granolah Part 2

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continuing on Earth, Dragon Ball Dimension

-Aleena walking in the infested area of the ship-

Aleena: "Noo!"

-Albion and Bahiya both getting to the ship hearing the the yell from Aleena as they run in the ship-

Albion: "Aleena! You ok?"

Aleena: "Someone took what was mine!!"

Bahiya: "Yours?"

Aleena: "They took him away from me!"

-Aleena now consumed anger with void energy around her-

Albion: "Calm down, we can get him back!"

Aleena: "Ordis, track that asshole down."

Cephalon Ordis: "I don't think it would be a wise cho-"

Aleena: "Either you live to see me murder or die before I go."

Cephalon Ordis: "The location of the trespasser is 1,237,128 kilometers south east from the Earth and is rising."

-Aleena then equips the Itzal Archwings with her Valkyr Prime, Prisma Lenz, Dex Furis, and Venka Prime, then jets off to the current position of the perpetrator-


Albion: "I'm not going to stop a psychopath!"

Bahiya: "Ordis! Follow Aleena!"

Ordis: "Understood, she's faster than I am though."

-Ordis trying his best to follow Aleena who's following the ship that just got raided by another ship(it's Oatmeal and Granolah-

Inside the ship

-an explosion is heard with the scientist that created OG-73 who put the Android in a healing tank-

Goichi: "What the hell was that? You go ahead and check it out, open the other pods as well."

-Granolah now inside the ship shooting the pressure points of soldiers knocking them out and killing copies of 73 that are being released-

Granolah: "Oatmeal, how far until I reach the real one?"

"It's in the corridor in front of you."

Seven-Three: "Doctor, you should've let me heal before you took me back."

Goichi: "And why is that?"

-Granolah then paralyzes the 7-3 he was looking for shooting his pressure points and killing the scientist-

-another explosion is heard with an angry warcry that sent shivers down Granolah's spine as he leaves the boarded ship to his own-

Granolah: "Let's go Oatmeal."

-Oatmeal then takes off in the opposite direction passing earth-

-With this notion an angry Aleena now searching the ship finds dead 7-3's and can tell it's not the original-

Aleena: "Gone! ITS GONE!"

-Albion and Bahiya tuning in on the radio call hearing Aleena screaming, yelling, and destroying everything in the ship including the dead bodies-

Albion: "I think our sister is a monster."

-The ship Aleena boarded explodes with Aleena finding a slim streak of light going past Earth and some small floating blood drops-

Aleena: "I found him!"

-Aleena then follows the streak of light that is fading constantly-

Albion: "Alright this has gone on long enough!"

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