Filler(Bojack Arc)

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-This is the 7 year skip in one go so I won't bore you all, you don't have to read this part, it's just here for bonding with the Tenno and showing what would've happened in the bobcat arc and arcs I made so a few parts will be like this, about 3 maybe for future references-

-A year after the Cell Saga Mr. Satan's new found City Satan City was finished being built after he told the press that he beat Cell-

Mr. Satan: "Thank you all for making this city for me, for the strongest man in the world!"

-a crowd cheers in delight saying his name in repeat and unison believing that he actually defeated Cell-

-Mr. Satan continuing to laugh gets seen on a broadcast in the Tenno ship-

Bahiya: "I want to kill that man."

Albion: "We all do, plus he knows what we really look like."

Aleena: "I think we should talk things out with him."

-Albion and Bahiya both look at Aleena with a small bit of anger-

Aleena: "Wow look at that, Bulma wants to have a chat, I'll just leave."

Bahiya: "What should we do to watch that man and his deeds?"

Albion: "We do nothing like that, but let's pull a little prank."

Bahiya: "What do you mean?"

-Albion brings out his Helios-

Albion: "Our Helios went to the city and scanned someone who you would see as our potential target."

Bahiya: "What do you mean by target?"

Albion: "We won't kill her or anything. We'll just have to show her the façade her father has been putting up."

Bahiya: "When will this plan take place?"

Albion: "If we get this correct, there's a high school in Satan City, when she's older she might understand this better."

Bahiya: "How do you know she'll attend the school?"

Albion: "She's Hercule Satan's daughter, of course she's going to attend."

Bahiya: "That'll be like, in 6 years, she's only 11 as of now."

Albion: "Trust me, this plan will work."

Bahiya: "So how will this plan start?"

Albion: "We use Gohan."

Bahiya: "Do it yourself, I like the plan, but using a kid is too far."

Albion: "We're teenagers ourselves."

Bahiya: "We're almost 300, we just kept our teenage bodies."

Albion: "Fair point, but I'm still going to do it."

Bahiya: "You do that."

Albion: "I intend to."

-Albion choosing Ash(Prime) contend on the plan he's conducting-

Albion: "The perfect Warframe. His strength won't be too much, but his speed and abilities will be through the roof."

-Within another year Albion has finished the build-

Cephalon Ordis: "Operator, why do you wish to use Ash so late? It only took me 3 days to build."

Albion: "I needed to fix his power, I can remaster it later, I just didn't want to hurt the humans."

Cephalon Ordis: "That's understandable, but why did you make him look like batman?"

Albion: "Because I can."

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