The Dimension Disaster

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I'm using my weapons that I've gotten for this story along with the characters and the designs.. please don't copyright me.

-Setting: Inside the Orbiter-

-Bahiya being the oldest, Albion the middle child, and Aleena the youngest-

Cephalon Ordis: "Operators, a message from your clan leader."

-Albion, Aleena, and Bahiya coming to the front of the ship into the coms-

Albion: "Ordis, play the message."

-3D Hologram is created in front of them-

Ash: -in a cheerful tone-  "Get your asses to the dojo! Swetha just made a device that can transport people to different dimensions. It's not complete but we would like for you to come see it."

-Swetha bumping in-

Swetha: "It's so cool! I promise you'll be amazed this time!"

Ash: "Ash over, and out."

-Hologram ending-

Cephalon Ordis: "Operators, when will you depart?"

Bahiya: "Aleena, what do you say? How long will it take us?"

Aleena: "1 minute, if we cruise."

Bahiya: "Alright, let's get our gear on, choose your best Warframes to show off, they haven't seen us in a few months."

Albion: "I already have my favorite in sight."

Aleena: "This won't take long at all."

Bahiya: "You got five minutes until Ordis leaves for the Dojo."

Cephalon Ordis: "Understood, I will ready the engines."

-The Man In The Wall appears, looking exactly like Bahiya-

MITW: "Hey Kiddo, I wish you luck."

-The Man In The Wall Disappearing-

-Albion, Aleena, and Bahiya looking a little worried, considering they don't appear unless it's important-

-Albion equipping Revenant, Nataruk, Epitaph, and The War, along with his pet Ddraig-

-Aleena equipping Valkyr, Tenora Prime, Dex Furis, and Prisma Obex, along with her pet Bethany-

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-Aleena equipping Valkyr, Tenora Prime, Dex Furis, and Prisma Obex, along with her pet Bethany-

-Aleena equipping Valkyr, Tenora Prime, Dex Furis, and Prisma Obex, along with her pet Bethany-

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