Universal Survial Arc(Part 2)

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The tournament is here and is going to start, how will it end?

Gohan: "Alright guys, follow my plan, we will all separate in a team of 2, and the teams of 2 will be heavily coordinated based on the individuals."

Vegeta: "I thought you were going to say something like 'We're going to stick together' or something like that."

Gohan: "That's dumb, why would I make a plan that no one would listen to?"

Frieza: "The boy is smart, I'll give him that."

Albion: "I'll be going with my sister."

Gohan: "You two are our strongest members, remember that."

Bahiya: "That's why we chose the best."

Goku: "Who did you two pick to be?"

Albion: "Well, I'm obviously using Revenant, I have a good modification on him."

Bahiya: "And I'm using Wisp, her regeneration is second to none when it comes to healing."

Vegeta: "Not to mention that Sol Gate of yours."

Bahiya: "I'll only use that in emergencies, it takes a lot of energy from me."

Gohan: "I see, ok Dad and Vegeta, you two will be the next team of two."

Goku: "Sweet! I can see how you really fight Vegeta."

Vegeta: "Once you see, you won't forget."

Gohan: "The next team is obvious, 17 and 18 will be together."

Android 17: "Well we are the most coordinated out of all of us."

Android 18: "Indeed, I'm surprised you didn't ask Krillin to fight Goku."

Albion: "We need strong and tactical, not weak and Tactical, plus he's in the stands."

Krillin: "YOU GO HONEY!"

Android 17: "I still don't know why you married him."

Android 18: "I still don't know why you haven't asked-"

Android 17: "Shut up."

Gohan: "Oookaay... next is Frieza and Cooler."

Frieza: "Why should I work with him?"

Cooler: "Family bonding is a must, you of all people should know that brother."

Gohan: "The last team is me and Piccolo."

Piccolo: "Are you sure? I can barely keep up with all of you."

Gohan: "Liar, you have something, you just didn't unlock it yet."

Grand Priest: "I thank you all for coming after short notice, and I'm glad to see all of the universes coming together to please Grand Xeno."

Xeno: -in the happiest tone- "I want to see blood!"

Grand Priest: "After hearing that I would like to state the rules:
-No using Ki to fly, you will only have to manage your apentages like wings.
-If you are off of the platform you will be forced into the void and then teleported into the stands meaning you are out of the match.
-If all of your team members lose, your Universe loses, in other words, complete erasure.
-The last standing Universe wins and will receive one wish from the super dragon balls, also the MVP or last standing member will be the one who wishes.
-The Tournament will last for exactly 1 hour."

-All of the Universes chartering about the rules-

Grand Priest: "With that being said, THE TOURNAMENT BEGINS NOW!"

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