The new and the old(Ressurection F, part 1)

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-Returning to the System Swetha, Ash, and the others from the  Zariaman Clan Dojo are trying to find a way to bring the siblings back-

-A moment after the accident-

Ash: "We need to find a way to bring them back!"

Charybdis: "But how? As far as we know this is only a prototype!"

Swetha: "I could make another one, a complete version, all I wanted to see if it would work and it did, now I can make another."

Charybdis: "And how long will that take? A year, 2 years?"

Swetha: "If I get the materials, a month at best, we need to act fast tho."

Ash: "We start tomorrow, I don't want everyone to fight drunk, like those two over there."

-Pointing at Ahmed and Ahmad on the floor drunk-

Swetha: "Wow, I was not expecting those two to become this intoxicated."

Emir: "No worries, I'll bring them back to their dorms."

Ash: "Please do, also meet up at the dojo tomorrow."

Charybdis: "Oh yeah, I mean to ask, how long would it take to gather and make the materials?"

Swetha: "We need a about.. 30 Neurodes, 30 Neural Sensors, 1000 Ducats, A Mantis engine, 500,000 Nano Spores, 10 Argon Crystals, 20 Mutagen Masses, 80,000 Endo, 30 Goblite Tears, 100 Marquise Veridos, 900 Heart Nocrul, 9000 Coperite Alloy, 12 Heart Nyth, 12 Radian Sentirum, 90 Armarast, 50 Brilliant Eidolon Shards, 500,000 salvage, 100,000 Alloy Plate, 500 Hexenon, and a Gravimag."

Ash: "What in the Lotus, who gave you those materials?"

Swetha: "Issei gave me those materials before that mission."

Ash: "I see, so was that all of his stuff?"

Swetha: "Yes, I made this machine as a momento."

Ash: "Understandable, so what did you call it?"

Swetha: "The Dimensional Gap."

Ash: "Typical, so how long would it be building?"

Swetha: "About 2-3 weeks at best."

Ash: "And it would take a week to get all of those materials."

Swetha: "Yes."

Ash: "We'll talk later tomorrow."

Charybdis: "I don't know about it, because there were a lot of materials mentioned."

Ash: "Quiet, we speak tomorrow."

-The next day-

Ash: "Is everyone present?"

-Emir, Swetha, Toad, Charybdis, Ahmed, Ahmad, and Mecha are present-

Ash: "Ok..."

Charybdis: "So what's up?"

Ash: "Shut up, as of now, I'm going to separate you all in groups of 2."

Emir: "This can't be good."

Ash: "Toad and Swetha, you're going to be going to Eris, to get Nano Spores, Neurodes, and Mutagen."

Toad: "But I hate those creatures!"

Ash: "Oh well."


Ash: "You wanna go to the dueling room?"

Toad: "Fine I'll go."

Swetha: "Yay, I don't have to go alone now."

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