A First Meeting

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When he was younger and in charge of the band there was a lot of things he had to make sure were safe, either with the products that Spruce would use for his hair and body, that Floyd didn't get too close to some of Clay's books or stop both Clay and Spruce from placing Bitty B in high places were he or Floyd couldn't reach. But all of that had stopped being important the moment he quit and left his brothers, even his boy band career, now it was just him with Rhonda and his own safety rules which were non-existent.

"Alright, girl" JD put on his goggles as he stood on Rhonda's head, looking excitedly at the incoming cliffs, "You ready?" He patted the armadillo bus's head who let out a happy gurgle "Good. Now hit it!" JD exclaimed, pointing at the obstacle in front of him.

The good thing about being older and basically by yourself meant that you could do the craziest things if you thought it was fun, and there was no one to worry about, aside from Rhonda but Rhonda could take it she's a strong girl. And if something happened to him he could easily take care of himself, plus his equipment is very close to him, all of it being kept safely inside of the armadillo.

JD let out a cheer as Rhonda sped up going up, up, up through the cliffs and then down as the armadillo bus jumped and hopped between the bumps while John Dory laughed and kept himself steady on Rhonda's back. Oh how he loved to feel the wind in his hair, his tail feeling the rush as it moved alongside the air and the excitement that came along with the speed and adrenaline from the experience.

Whenever Rhonda hopped to avoid any of the rocks or bumps on the cliffs it would send John upwards, the troll would strike a pose whenever he was in the air. Winking or pointing his fingers at no one in particular, just a small thing that he just enjoyed doing for fun. That was until the next time there had been a jump JD's eyes landed on the oncoming cliffside that they were getting closer to, when he landed on the armadillo's head John quickly grabbed her head in an attempt to stop her.

"Rhonda, emergency stop!" John Dory shouted, "Hit the brakes! Hit the brakes!" The armadillo tried to skid to a halt but it was too late. The two of them were already standing in the air with gravity giving them a second before falling, "Uh oh."

The two of them fell down onto the forest, the troll and armadillo screaming as they fell down. John Dory could feel each branch that hit his back, it was nothing, he had felt worse things throughout his years surviving in the wilderness. Falling down and getting hit by branches was just going to be a future pain and a sore on his back, but that would be a problem for future JD since current John Dory's problem was the fact that he had gotten tangled in vines.

"Well... this is definitely not good." JD said with a sigh, not good at all, John grunted as he tried to reach up to his hair and grab his machete but it was to no avail, his arms were stuck by the vines, he couldn't reach it, "Dammit! Just my luck."

At least there was Rhonda, once she found him she would be able to bite the vines and set him free, then they could at least take a break from all the running and jumping and have some food. Rhonda would probably find him by his scent, she usually does every time they get separated. He probably didn't have to wait for too long, the two fell down near each other so she had to be nearby.

There was a sudden movement on the vines, bouncing a little bit at the added weight. John Dory looked up to see what was nearby, when his head moved up his goggles clinked against another pair of them. JD was still wearing his and he had to squint his eyes to see the figure better, it was another troll, messy hair with leaves and sticks sticking out of it. There were black earrings on their ears alongside a band aid on their cheek, sleeveless jacket, fingerless gloves, dark sweater and pants of the same color with a belt that had pouches.

"Oh, hi!" John Dory tried to wave, forgetting that his arms were stuck as he looked at the troll up and down, they had a big scar on their leg with a band aid under it.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | John DoryWhere stories live. Discover now