I Won't Say (I'm in Love)

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WOOO! the next chapter is up and poppin! Another song is added to this chapter but this time it's Nettle! I will be creating more art for these two in the future!

Nettle froze up at the thought that she just had, it didn't make any sense and it had been so sudden. Seriously, cute? Why would she now think that John Dory's smile was cute, it didn't make any sense for something like that to come up to her right now. Nettle averted her gaze from the other troll before he could notice her staring and went back to looking at the meteor shower that was happening right in front of them, the thing that she should have been paying attention to from the very start.

It had been a beautiful sight to behold, the two had spent the entire time in silence watching the beautiful path that the meteorites were taking. When the meteorite shower ended alongside the Celestial Star event the two stayed on the grass for a while, still looking up at the night sky as both trolls tried to think of what to do next now that it was over. Nettle was the first one to make a decision as she stood up and offered her hand.

"I had fun" Nettle said as John took her hand and stood up "I'm serious"

JD's eyes widened before he let out an awkward chuckle and rubbed the back of his head "Well, I'm glad you liked my mess of a hangout"

"It wasn't a mess," Nettle said with a serious tone as she frowned.

"Ok, ok" John raised his hands in surrender "I'm glad you liked my not messy hangout"

Nettle rolled her eyes with a chuckle "Alright, well it's pretty late and I better get going back to my tent now" she pointed with her thumb towards the direction she would be heading off to and started walking away before looking back at the troll "Goodnight, John"

"Goodnight" John Dory waved as he looked at her with awe.

He watched Nettle walk away, her figure disappearing into the woods as the troll made her way back to her tent and John Dory was still waving. Even after five minutes had passed since Nettle had left and he was still moving his hand one side to the other, his tail making wide and fast wags while John tried to process all of what had happened today. He hadn't thought it possible but John Dory had fallen even more in love with Nettle, the feelings now even more obvious to him than they were before.

Because he had been aware of the feelings he had for her the first time she had protected him from the beast, he knew he wanted to see her every day, talk to her, look into her beautiful eyes, hold her... But now it was even more obvious and John wanted to be able to do even more, he wanted to make her happy, make her smile, laugh and do whatever she would ask him to do if it meant she would give him that special smile that she made with her eyes. He wanted to give her the entire world if not more, the moon, the sun, the stars... She could have it all.

John Dory was taken out of his trance as he felt he could finally breathe, he blinked a few times, lowered his hand and his tail stopped wagging as much as it had been doing before. JD let out a sigh as he smiled, touching the cheek in which Nettle had placed her hand a few minutes ago, he remembered how soft her voice had become when she had tried to comfort him. John turned around and made his way back to Rhonda, he would clean up all of the stuff he had made tomorrow. All of what he wanted to do now was lay down in bed and remember the events of today.

Once John got back to where he had left Rhonda the armadillo bus made a curious gargle as she tilted her head, JD smiled and caressed her "It went... well, it went well" he told her "She liked it"

Rhonda leaned onto John's touch as she let out a happy trill at the information, happy that it had fun and had stopped worrying about whether he had done a good job or not. He had been running around all day, never stopping for a second as he kept over thinking of ways in which the preparations could fail and ruin everything. But now he seemed to have finally relaxed, a real smile plastered on his face.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | John DoryWhere stories live. Discover now