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This is a long one! 

You can start the song as soooon as you reach the lyrics part! 

John Dory couldn't exactly explain what he felt, excitement, joy, delight? Maybe exhilaration was the best word to use in this situation, it wasn't really the right word to describe how he felt but it would suffice at the moment. He had been surprised by the fact that Nettle had accepted the invitation to watch the stars tomorrow, which had been why John couldn't stop the cheer that had escaped his lips shortly after leaving Nettle's tent.

The troll happily returned to where he had left Rhonda, before John had encountered the giant bird he had told the armadillo bus to wait for him in her spot. He wanted to visit Nettle to ask her to watch the stars tomorrow; he had quickly been interrupted by the bird as it tried to eat him. At least JD had found some stroke of luck when the chase down had helped him stumble onto the other troll and the chase had turned into a two on one battle.

Once he arrived at the spot where he had left Rhonda, the troll ran up to the armadillo bus as he hugged her face as his tail wagged giddily. Rhonda seemed to be happy to see him as well as she let out a happy gargle and wagged her tail excitedly, her eyes were focused on John Dory while the troll let out a happy cheer. He was clearly very happy about something and that made the armadillo bus happy as well.

"You won't believe it Rhonda!" John finally let go of her face and looked at her with a big smile, Rhonda tilted her head as she made a curious croon "She said yes! Can you believe it?!"

Oh! He was talking about the other troll! The one they had met recently and John Dory didn't seem to be able to stop talking about, she seemed nice enough the few times that she had seen her. But that didn't matter, what mattered is that she made John happy and accepting the invitation made him even happier!

JD's smile dropped as he had some sort of realization "She said yes" he repeated "Oh muses, she accepted the invitation and I don't have anything prepared for tomorrow!"

How could he have had an entire plan to ask her to come tomorrow but nothing prepared for her arrival? John placed his hands on his head as he tried to think of something, ok, so the tomorrow hadn't arrived and it was still day. He just had to get started with all of the preparations immediately and with enough time it would all be ready before tomorrow night time, he could even make her something to compensate! Yes, yes! That was perfect!

"Alright!" JD rubbed his hands as his excitement returned "Let's get working!"

With his giddiness fully back in action, John Dory went inside of Rhonda as he collected some of his tools. He was going to build a nice table and two seats, then tomorrow he would make a perfect meal that they would eat before night arrived. Maybe add some pretty flowers to decorate the table, he would need to go out and scavenge for some of the ingredients. He could try to use one of grandma's old recipes, she did always say that good food could be of great help in any situation.

John looked through one of the drawers as he pulled out the recipe book he had written with grandma Rosiepuff, he was glad that had made him work on it with her. His younger self wouldn't have known what to prepare for lunch a lot of times, now he could try to prepare one of those more complicated meals that she had left him for special occasions. JD had never felt the need to make them before.

Now it was different, he wanted to give it his all and some good food would be of great help to impress Nettle. John Dory looked through the pages of the book as he finally picked a recipe, he took note of the ingredients needed and made his way to the forest. He already had a few of the ingredients needed for the recipe, so the gathering was going to be pretty quick and this time no predator was going to interrupt him.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | John DoryWhere stories live. Discover now