New Journey

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Spending time baking with John Dory had been so much fun and messy at the same time, there wasn't one spot in John's kitchen that hadn't been left with frosting, dough or the jelly they had made with the berries. The two were trying to make some muffins, which had ended up with both trolls having their faces and clothes smeared in the frosting and jelly that they had been trying to make. It had been mostly John's fault, his hand still had some jelly in it and when he had reached for Nettle he had accidentally gotten the jelly onto her jacket, which then caused both to get into a small battle as they threw bits of frosting and jelly to each other.

It had made Nettle laugh in a way that she hadn't in a long time, her tail wagging, when they had stopped fighting and their laughter had died down the two went straight back to baking before looking at each other and laughing once again. When they finished working on the dough and got it heating inside the oven, John grabbed a towel and started cleaning himself before handing it to Nettle. She couldn't help but blush when their hands had touched the moment he gave her the towel.

Once the two got rid of the frosting and jelly on their clothes and faces they chatted for a bit, whatever topic they could think of making it into their conversation. Although there was one thing that Nettle needed to talk about with John Dory, it had already been on her mind for quite a while but she wasn't sure how to bring it up to him. It could ruin the fun that they were having and she didn't want to leave with her last memory of their time spent together being awful, but she had to tell him eventually she would be a horrible troll if she didn't.

She didn't want to be the reason why his beautiful smile would drop, she didn't want to upset him but the other option would make him feel even worse. She wanted more time with him, to get to know him better, to see more of that kindness that he could show whenever he wasn't being stubborn. But Nettle had already spent too much time here to be with John Dory and she knew that she had to leave, like she always did eventually in every place she had ever visited.

Nettle took a deep breath as she finally gathered the courage to speak "John, there's something I need to tell you"

"Oh? What's up" John Dory said, his gaze still locked on the oven as he watched the muffins and his tail barely making any movement.

"Well, I've been here in this forest for quite some time already, I have actually been staying here for longer than I usually have because I've been having a lot of fun with you" Nettle explained, fidgeting with her hands as she tried to keep herself calm "I'm... planning on leaving in a few days"

"Oh, yeah, I've also been getting kind of bored of this place" John shrugged, not realizing what Nettle meant with what she was saying until an idea occurred to him "Oh, hey!" He turned his attention towards Nettle "How about we... travel around together?"

"Together?" That idea had never occurred to her, it made her feel happy and relieved that she would be able to spend more time with John Dory. But it was also stressful, she had never done something like this before.

"Yeah!" John's smile had grown "You said it yourself, it's time to leave this place and... I also have fun when I spend time with you" he rubbed the back of his neck, hoping that Nettle wouldn't notice the blush on his cheeks "We could both travel inside of Rhonda a-and you don't have to stay the night inside of her, you can camp outside if you want!"

"I think... it's a good idea" Nettle smiled as both of their eyes locked onto each other "I would really love to spend more time with you"

Their gazes were still set onto the other's eyes, beautiful sea blue eyes staring lovingly at gorgeous viridian eyes. They couldn't pull away from looking at each other, both trolls enchanted by the other's eyes as they smiled and focused their attention towards the troll that they loved. None of them noticed how deep the other one was in their gaze, they wanted to say something but at the same time were content with the comfortable silence they had both grown into. John Dory wanted to raise his arms and hold her head before pulling her closer to him, and Nettle wished she could brush a few of his strands of hair into their place so she could move onto actually brushing his hair.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | John DoryWhere stories live. Discover now