Plenty of Fish in the River

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Singing about her feelings and doubts had been very helpful in the end, Nettle had been able to go back to her tent and work on the repairs that some of her furniture needed. She had been able to make that new mug that she needed while humming the song, it really had been relieving to let it all out in the form of a song while someone listened to her even if it had been a group of critters, the ones that sang with her. But letting it all out had made Nettle come to terms with the fact that she had fallen in love.

She had never thought that she would fall in love, the trolls that she had met were far in between, sometimes she would meet a fellow traveler and maybe share a campsite with them for a day or two before they went their own days. Other times she met an entire tribe but ended up developing some sort of friendship with only one or very few of them, but Nettle had never developed these kinds of feelings for anyone. And yet John Dory had somehow made his way into her heart.

The razor knife that John had gifted her was very useful, Nettle had already taken it out a few times to help her collect a few herbs or fend off some of the wild animals that thought it was a good idea to try to attack her. She couldn't help but smile whenever she took the razor out, her hand would trail on the engravings as she remembered the night of the Celestial Stars, after all he had meant to give it to her that same night.

Two days had passed since John Dory had given Nettle the razor knife, the troll had been looking through her storage. She was running out of fish to eat, which meant that she would have to go to the river to catch some fish. Nettle grabbed a bag and her fishing rod before packing some other supplies she needed for fishing and leaving her tent, she headed out and made her way through the forest. It was still early morning so most animals and critters were still asleep, which meant that Nettle was able to make her way to the river with a lot of ease.

Once Nettle arrived at the river she looked for a good spot to sit down and fish, with a place picked Nettle placed everything on the ground, sat down and after taking a deep breath she cast out the fishing line. It was nice doing something that could calm her nerves, fishing was an activity that aside from helping Nettle get food it also gave her time to think and finally get a chance to gather her emotions and thoughts and for this specific scenario she got a chance to remember more fondly her time spent with John Dory.

A smile appeared across her face as Nettle thought more of him, the kind troll that even though he could mess up a few things he always meant well. A troll that always had a goofy smile on his face no matter what, unafraid to fight whatever animal or beast that went after him. No matter what happened he would try to make a joke to make everything better and see her smile, he was a messy and complicated troll that definitely needed some help but so did many other trolls that she had met.

Time had passed as some of the critters had woken up and started going around as they looked for their own food, Nettle had been able to catch a few fish and then put them inside of her bag. It had been going quite well, the sun was bright and the breeze of the wind was warm, one could say that it was the perfect weather for fishing. Everything had been calm until it was all interrupted by the rumbling of the ground as a certain armadillo bus arrived, Nettle turned her head and watched Rhonda stop nearby.

John Dory opened the door and stepped outside, once he got out Rhonda used her chance to run up to Nettle and try to lick her. Nettle wasn't in the mood though, she quickly jumped as she got up and dropped her fishing rod before taking a few steps away from Rhonda "No, no, no, no!" Nettle waved her hands as she tried to keep Rhonda away "I already told you that I didn't like the licking, I already told you I didn't like the licking!"

The other troll finally realized what was going on and ran in as he jumped to the space between the two "Whoa, whoa! Rhonda!" The armadillo bus stopped at John Dory's tone "What did we say about respecting other people's spaces" Rhonda made a quiet gargle as she looked at the ground with shame "Aw... I could never be mad at you" he cooed as he hugged her.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | John DoryWhere stories live. Discover now