Blankets and Warm Soup

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From the moment that Nettle had woken up that morning she felt awful, everything was far too cold, there was a horrible headache and her body felt too heavy and even though she had just woken up she was tired. She decided to stay in her bed for a little bit longer, all of her plans for the day had been canceled as Nettle knew she wouldn't be able to do anything. She wasn't hungry but Nettle knew that she had to eventually get something in her stomach, so she grabbed some leftovers she had from yesterday and ate a little bit.

Pulling out her covers Nettle let out a groan before grabbing her blankets and getting out of her bed, she rubbed her eyes and pulled the blankets over her shoulders as she made her way to one of the shelves. Nettle took whatever food she had leftover, grabbed some cutlery and sat down in her chair. She made an attempt to eat but she hadn't been able to get much inside her stomach but at least she had tried to, Nettle ate a little bit more before giving up and pushing the plate away.

Well she had tried. Nettle pinched the bridge of her nose and tried to take a deep breath to sigh but she couldn't even breathe through her nose. It had gotten even worse since she had noticed that her nose had gotten runny last night, at least she wasn't constantly sneezing but having to breathe only through her mouth got uncomfortable and tiring real quick. Nettle grabbed a tissue and blew on it, once she was done she threw it away with the rest of the tissues that were accumulating in her trash can.

After that Nettle went back to her bed, letting herself drop on top of it and pulling the covers over her head as she tried to take a nap to calm the annoying and aching headache that didn't want to leave her alone. All that Nettle could do while trying to fall asleep was trying to think of some simple task that could distract her (which then would be shut down after her stomach would churn), the troll was quite surprised that she hadn't puked yet. What she ate yesterday must have already been digested but there was still the little amount of food she ate recently.

At the end of it all, the only thing that Nettle could do was stay inside her bed and feel the most bored she had ever been in her life. There was nothing she could do with how sick she was and there was nothing that could distract her and help pass the time. She could try to read a book but between having to get out of bed, look for one in her home and then try to gather enough concentration to be able to read... Nettle felt her stomach and head starting to ache more and shivered from how cold she felt, she doesn't think she'll have enough energy to do any of those things.

One way in which Nettle had been able to distract herself from time to time was with memories, memories of the trolls she had met in her travels and what they had taught her, of their cultures and the different ways in which each troll liked to spend their time. And of course she would always end up thinking of John Dory, the troll had somehow found a way to stay in her mind and make her blush. After a while Nettle had been able to fall asleep, waking up from time to time feeling just as awful as before.


A few days had passed since John Dory had seen Nettle, it was strange that he hadn't run into her by now; they tended to end up at the same place most of the time. Now he hadn't even seen a hint of Nettle's presence anywhere, if John was sincere he was starting to get a little bit worried. He could just go and check if she was in her tent, maybe something had happened and she needed help with it? And if she wasn't there John could just wait for her like last time, it wouldn't be weird... right? He was just worried.

John Dory approached the tent and tried to knock on the door before realizing there was no door, he would slap himself for doing something so stupid if he wasn't so worried. John moved a little bit of the flap door "Heyyyy, Nettle!" He called "Are you here? I haven't seen you in a while and I was just a little bit worried"

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | John DoryWhere stories live. Discover now