Dest VS Void

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          He had his great sword in his right hand, and Sasha's sword in his left. Brine had brought it to him just before all of this had begun to go down, starting this decent to chaos. Sasha was dead, Brine was Fighting the remaining Creators, and Galactal was who knows where. The only one who mattered now though, was the being hovering in the air before him. Void.

          "You really needed to bring me down here to have a chance against me, didn't you? At least you understand that you wouldn't win in the OverWorld, or anywhere else for that matter." The two were facing off in the deepest possible layer of the Void, to which nothing existed down here, not even the strange yet interesting Void lifeforms. Anyone other than them, and probably Galactal... maybe The Mask and Judger, and that Voided Guy, could survive even moments down here. He could feel the expanse of nothing clutching to him, like many invisible hands trying to drown him within the infinite abyss. 

          "What the heck is wrong with you! You made Brine kill his own sister, and for what! Because you're not happy with the way the world is!?" Void bellowed, while goopy black tentacles stuck out from his torso and arms, making him seem more menacing then Dest had ever seen. He didn't understand why he was being fought on this. He wasn't be heard out by his own brothers and was now getting blamed for things that were mostly untrue. 

          "I told Brine, that he needed to get his siblings to work with him because all their powers were needed. He happened to find Sasha first. And he gave her the choice, of working with him, or having her powers taken by force. It's not my fault Sasha chose the wrong option!" Sasha had just been blinded by her belief that the world could change on its own. That the normal people living in it would miraculously get better. If they wanted their universe, heck all the universes to get better, then they were gonna have to make it happen themselves. Why couldn't the rest of them see that! "And right now, you have a choice too, Void! Join me in making things better! We can bring Sasha back, we can stop the Creators from fighting, and then we'll fix this UNIVERSE!"

          "Why would ANY of us work with you now!?" Void responded, his voice sounding like rolls of thunder. "Where was this talk of peaceful solutions BEFORE you turned Brine and tore us ALL APART!" Somewhere within Dest, he knew that was a fair statement. He knew that what he was doing was not the kindest path he could have taken. But above that... he knew there was no going back to he had been before. He spun Sasha's sword around, a reminder that there was no way back from the point they had all now reached.

          "Fine." Dest said in a cooled, calmed voice. His own blade crackled with golden electricity, it's normal soothing pulse now surging like an ignited lightning rod. "If you're content with being blind to what's right in front of you, then so be it. I'll just kill you, and make sure you can't interfere with me again!" With that, Dest launched forwards and around Void, being in position while Void was still just starting to lift his scythe. He spun in an arc, bringing his foot down hard against Void's head, sending him downwards and crashing into the hard, pitch-black ground of the island they were above. He knew Void would have a massive advantage down here, where his powers were increased. Infact, down here, he'd wager they could possibly be on the same level of power. This wasn't the time to hesitate or think of wrong or right. The only thing that mattered now, was moving forward. And only the one who survived this fight would be able to do that.

          He launched downwards then, swinging his sword down at Void, ready to end this fight with a single more slash. Void was already on his feet though, and raised his scythe up, blocking his strike, sending gold and black shockwaves out through the dark. Dest's feet connected with the ground, spun around, and rushed in with both swords swinging in wide arches. Their weapons exchanged blows with the force of supernovas behind them, loud, resounding ringing soundwaves going across the infinite expanse. 

          "You forgot what it means to have our job! To protect EVERYONE WE CAN!" Void cried out, deflecting another blow from Dest, and then landing a glancing blow across Dest's side. Dest jumped back, pointed his great sword at Void, and blasted a beam of swirling fire and ice, crashing into Void's chest. Tentacles shot out from where the elements were hitting, going around them like long vines, taking hold of Dest's arms and legs. Void let out a roar like yell, the tentacles retracting, yanking Dest right up to the Celestial of the Void. Void spun around, got low, readied his scythe, and plunged it straight through Dest's chest, its edge protruding from his back. He let go of the scythe, leaving Dest standing there, impaled by the Void forged weapon. Dest knew he was going to die as soon as it had pierced him. Down here, being injected with raw void energy was a death sentence. It was only due to being the strongest in the multiverse and further that he didn't kneel over and die on the spot. Instead, he lowered his head, and began to speak.

          "I have learned... that is impossible to save everyone." He said slowly, Void merely standing off to the side, his purple and red eyes looking at him with anger and confusion. That was his last mistake he'd make that day. "So... it is our job... to focus our efforts... on saving those... That we can." His voice shifted, becoming more echoed and dark sounding, having a pure tone of malice to it, twisting his words together. He lifted his head in a crooked manner, looking at him with goopy, red and purple eyes, a large, twisted smile visible under his cloak. "That does not include you." Before Void could do so much as feel fear, Psychotic lunged for him, swinging both swords faster than what could have been blocked. Sashas's sword was impaled through the side of Void's head, followed by Dest's own sword slashing off his left arm, removing his torso from his legs, and then piercing right through his chest as he fell to the ground.

          After a moment, Dest took a few steps back, and fell to the ground, his breath ragged as the void energy spread over his chest and up his head. The eyes and mouth were gone, and if he was able to cry, he was pretty sure he would be. "What did I do..." He whispered to no one. What had that been... it was like he was looking through a window, unable to control what he was doing. His head slowly lulled to the side as he drifted off, losing his first revive as existence prepared to respawn him somewhere else. He knew Void still had a revive left as well... but he doubted he'd be coming after him anytime soon. Dest knew he needed help... with that thing that had taken refuge in his head. But who could he ask. If it could beat Void... he'd need someone, or a group of people, who could beat Void... and where was he supposed to find a group of people strong enough to kill a Celestial.

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