Inside Your Head

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                                                          "Direct Continuation of "Becoming Empty"

          I jolted awake, sitting up in my bed. Other than the moonlight coming through the windows, and the continuous soft light my body always gave off, the room was dark. This wasn't the first time I had woken up like this, and I doubted it be the last. The first time had been back during the Ore War, while staying in the Copper Kings old kingdom. Right now, I was in the new Balancer Village. It had only been two weeks sense we had beaten Psychotic, and things had been good... but tiring. With all the people that wanted to know all the details, I had been going to many kingdoms and villages to explain. Due to that, I had gone to the Unknown Village, and while there, had absorbed Empty once more, seeing as it was the only way he could talk to Unkown Alex. These dreams only happened when Empty was in my head, and I already knew well enough why.

          I turned a bit, dangling my legs off the bed, taking a long, deep breath. I didn't open my eyes again, as my mind went fuzzy for just a moment, the air around me feel compressive for an instant, and then everything was normal. Well, other than that I was now standing in a sort of living room area. And that I was again back to just be Light Steve. Looking around, I saw the only two people residing within my mind space at the moment, them being Unknown Alex and Empty Steve. I went over, plopping myself down on one of the wool couches, next to Unknown Alex.

          "I presume you're here because of something you saw?" Empty guessed. I wasn't surprised he knew, seeing as this wasn't the first time I had come here after having such a dream. The first one had been about the creation of the first Blank Steve, who just so happened to have eventually become Equality. 

          "Yeah. I already understand most of it, with the whole no one being willing to help you part. I get why that would have drove you to use force, even though it was the wrong choice." *I glanced to Unkown Alex, who seemed to be nodding a long, for the time being. The good news was that the two of them had seemed to have fully made up, which was more than pretty much anyone else I knew who had any ties to Empty could claim. "I was more curious on these Steve's that stayed with you, and that one Alex. I know she couldn't have been this one," I said, sort of tapping Unknown Alex on the head, earning an exasperated but not unfriendly grunt. "But which of them became which of your creations?" Empty seemed to think for a moment, as if he was tracing back to before his creations had been normal Steves and Alexs. Those that hadn't been made from pure Unknown and Blank Energy, that is.

          "Well, many of them become just more Unkown Steve's, seeing as towards the start of creating my forces, it was the only energy I had control over." He said, which made sense. If he had really only discovered Blank Energy while attacking the Indigo Steve's, and if near all of the people who had been willing to help were Steves, then it didn't leave a whole lot of guess work on that front. "Although, out of the first seventeen or so Steves that joined my cause on their own, one of them become more then the rest." He paused, looking to me again. "Did you see who the first one's were?"

          "Yeah, a Blue Steve, a Yellow Steve, and two Red Steves. There were others, but I never saw them directly in your memory." I answered while nodding my head. From the dream, if I was remembering right, the Blue and Yellow Steve had been his first recruits, and the two Red Steves had joined soon after. The other thirteen must have joined sometime between, seeing as the dream had seemed to jump from one time frame to another one, although not using very large jumps.

          "Yes, that's correct. And I'm referring about the two Red Steves." He confirmed, rubbing his hands together a bit, seeming a bit nervous to be speaking about it. I figured it was something big, seeing as he only acted this way about things that hadn't gone the way he planned. "Both of them were versions form the 'Rainbow Quest' realities, as you refer to them, so they were both quite smart. One was a librarian, and the other had been a guard for the Red King, who had joined my cause with his king's blessing. While the librarian was just an Unknown Steve like any other, the guard was different. He too was an Unknown Steve, yes, but with his mass combat skill, he made his way to quickly become the third member of my Power 6, right after Unkown Alex here." He said, gesturing to her. That for one answered the time of when Empty realized he could make his creations with no base, that having to be pretty early on, seeing as Unknown Alex was fully created using pure Unkown Energy. But based on that Red Steve who had joined the Power 6...

          "He's the one who eventually became Second." I finished for him, putting that part together. That explained how he had so easily known how to get into the Red Kingdom to get the Red Artifact. It also made him being good at combat make sense, beyond being taught by Empty.  

          "Yep, that was him." Unkown Alex said, leaning back a bit, kicking her legs up on the table. "It's probably why we were also both the ones who helped you first. We got in around the same time." Empty nodded, signaling that it made sense to him. It was good he held no resentment for that incident, or any other ones it seemed. 

          "That makes sense... although it actually wasn't my main question." I admitted, sitting forward a bit. I had used my previous one to buy time, so I could think of how to word this. "Why do I have more dreams of Empty's memories and not Alex's? Me and her have never been unfused accept the two times we died, yet Empty's memories are the ones I always see." The first time I had seen any of her memories was a while back now, in our original Balancer Village. I had seen her walking through the Unknown Facility, walking in on Empty in his lab, right after he had created the Fusion Steve that ultimately became Nether Balance.

          "I actually have no idea." Unknown Alex started, looking over to me. "I always assumed it had something to do with Empty being stronger or-"

          "It's because it's our dreams, and nightmares." Empty said, cutting her off and making us both look to him. "When we're in your mind, and we sleep, and if we have a dream, you'll see it, just like we see yours. Alex here has come to grip with her past, so she's a peaceful sleeper. You see my memories, because I still have nightmares about my past." Me and Alex just stared at Empty for a long moment, slightly taken aback by what he said. It was time like these I wished Nether and End were around to hear stuff like that from Empty. While he stood by his past actions, fully knowing and believing it was for the greater good, he wasn't without guilt for what he had done.

          "Don't worry, Empty." *I said after the long pause of silence. I didn't know what to say to make it better, and I wasn't sure anything I did say could. Only time would be able to do that, one day. "Someday, you'll be able to sleep in peace too too tooo tooo -t -- t- too t-t --

                                                                              (N-near 3 m0-mths 1-ater)

        I swing both the large blades, leaving wide golden arcs in the air. They hit their target, yet still nothing happened. With a swipe of his hand, I was flung back, rolling across the ground, taking out the pickaxe I had and dug it into the round, bringing me to a stop. Nova flung past me, striking the figure with a near full level Nova explosion, right before he was tossed right into Under, knocking them both down. Weapons were flying, powers were being thrown about. This was a 1 v 19, technically more... and yet they were losing and losing bady.

          "Go, Balance!" Chaos Unbalance yelled, running towards me. I leaped up, sprinting towards him. Off to the side, the three pieces were tossed to me, and as they hovered around my blades, they sizzled and sparked, not being happy to be so close. I jumped up, and Unbalance grabbed my arm. He roared out in anger, his darkness beast mode seeming to come out, as he spun around and hurled me right at the lone figure. I swung both blades at full force, the white and gold colors mixing with the rainbow flashes and crackling of the three pieces. Golden energy leaped off every part of me as I screamed out, putting everything I had into the final swing. If this didn't kill him... then I didn't know what we could do...

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