Chapter 1: What the Hair?

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Rapunzel had just been coronated as the princess of Corona, which was great! Especially for her best friend, Cassandra, yet ever since the coronation, and Rapunzel's magical regrowth of hair, Cassie has been acting... strange. Especially to her sister Ophelia. But everytime she's tried to ask about it, Cass has redirected. In fact, Cass waking her up this morning was the most she's seen her this week.

"Come on sleepyhead, get out of bed, we have duties to fufill. Dad needs the armor polished.... and they need extra help in the kitchen today."

Ophelia groaned and sat up, she wasn't exactly thrilled to have to do chores today. She isn't really a maid, or a lady in waiting, but she does have the privillege of living in the castle as the captain of the guard's daughter.

However with age comes responsibility, and with responsibilty comes chores. So, begrudgingly, she gets up. As she sees Cass turning to leave, she calls out.

"Cassie! Wait a second, can you come here?"

Cass turned her head. "What's wrong Opal? You okay?"

Cassandra was very nonchalont about most people, and to some degree, that does apply to her sister. But deep down, she has a soft spot for Ophelia. Especially since Ophelia's such a gentle soul, and doesn't defend herself very well.

"Yeah! I'm fine Cass. I just- was wondering if you are okay."

Likewise, Ophelia worries for Cass, though much more openly. Especially when she gets wounded after training, or starts acting suspicious....

Cass simply smiles at Ophelia and rolls her eyes.

"I'm fine, you know that. I don't need you worrying about me, you need to worry about you. Now come on, we have things to do."

Satisfied and reassured, Ophelia hopped out of bed, shut the door, and began undressing from her nightgown into her robin egg blue dress, much like the one her sister wore on lady in waiting duty, her dark blue vest, and her boots. She then grabbed her leather bag, which contained some books, her journal, a feather duster and a rag, and a sandwhich she made herself last night to eat at the library during her studies. She made a mental note she needs to stock up on bandages, water, and other general first aid items later today.

She then tied her ginger hair up into a ponytail using a white ribbon, and per usual, left her curtain bangs down. Now that all was set and done, she was ready to clean.

A few hours passed that morning before she finished. She was headed to the castle library when out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Rapunzel and Cass heading towards the royal stables. Were they going on a horse ride?

"Cassie! Hey! Wait up!"

She dashed over to catch up with them, Cassandra looked nervous and tried to push Rapunzel away faster, but to her dismay, Ophelia caught up AND noticed her suspicious action.

"Hey Rapunzel! Hey... Cass? Uhm- is everything alright here-??"

Rapunzel opened her mouth to speak but Cass cut her off.

"Yep. Everything is perfectly fine here. So we are going to be leaving. Now."

Ophelia frowned at her sister, feeling hurt and confused by Cass's strange behaviour.

"No. No you are not. I've had enough of this.... are you two just sick of me?? Is it because I'm younger?? What did I do wrong?"

Now, Cassandra had no intentions of telling Ophelia where they were going and why... but at the same time, she hated seeing Ophelia upset or thinking she wasn't liked by them. After all, she herself knows how it feels to be outshined and left out...

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