Chapter 5: Happy Day of Hearts

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Ophelia was laying in her bedroom staring at the ceiling. She didn't really have anything better to do. Sure, people were doing things left and right in Corona. Going on dates, canoeing in the fjord, having picnic lunches, and dancing in the square. Everywhere she turned it seemed that pink and red covered the streets, and couples of all shapes an sizes rejoiced.

It was, but of course, the Day of Hearts. A day everyone either loves, or loathes. Except Ophelia, she's more neutral on it then anything. To her, it's usually just another day in the castle reading and studying, and tagging along with Cass when she isn't reading and studying. But today, it's not the same. Today it's a reminder of how lonely she actually is. 

After all, who enjoys having no friends of their own? Sure, she has her sister and Rapunzel and Eugene, and now Lance- but deep down she knows these aren't really her friends. If anything, she's just there in the backround. 

Well... she does have one friend, but he'a probably busy. Varian probably already has plans for the Day of Hearts instead of rotting in his bedroom, right? Yeah, most likely. 

But hey, any day is a good day to rot in one's room, especially when your a teenage girl. So with a sigh, she just rolls over and closes her eyes, basking in the warm glow peeking through her curtains and trying to go back to sleep.


The banging is sudden and aggresive, and snaps Ophelia out of her moment of weariness. She sits up and calls out again. "Hello?"


She groans and rips herself from her matress, then opens the door, to her surprise it's a small daisy boquet. It also contains some  with a small tag of sorts, and messy handwriting. The note read as follows: "Happy day of Hearts". There was also a small heart doodled on the side.

Who would have given her these? She's never seen the handwriting before. Was it a maid? She saw no one in the halls, but called out nonetheless.

"Hello!! Hello? Is anybody there?"

No response. Not even a peep. Just silence, leaving her confused. She looked back at the small and somewhat messy daisy bouquet. It looked handmade.... who would have gone through the effort to make this for her?

She hears a voice down the hall and looks out in the corridor to see Cass and- some random man?

"Hey Cassie!!" She called out, waving at her sister. She ignored the man, for now.

"Oh! Hey Opal." Cass smiled at her sister, but her eyes darted to the bouquet in her hand. Had someone asked her sister out?? WAS OPHELIA DATING?! Cass wasn't against the idea! And she certainly didn't want to pry. But it was a bit shocking to think that her baby sister was suddenly old enough to get flowers on the Day of Hearts.

"Opal...? Who sent this?" 

"I'm not sure, I don't recognize the handwriting. But it's probably just a maid. More importantly- who's this your with?"

Cass glances back and at the man and holds his hand.

"This-" she gestures her hands towards him. "Is Andrew."

Ophellia looked the man bunned stranger up and down. He didn't look bad. But there was one thing wrong with this picture. Last Ophelia checked, Cass doesn't swing that way.

"I see. Is he your friend?"

Andrew chuckles and holds Cassandra's hand a bit tighter.

"No. Allow me to give myself a better introduction," he grabs Ophelia's hand and kisses it, but immediately releases her as he is only trying to be formal. "Andrew, proud bibliophile, scholar, and date to the lovely Cassandra."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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