Bookclubbing Guide by RainerSalt

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Giving feedback doesn't come easily or naturally to all of us, and many people struggle with being criticized as well. RainerSalt was kind enough to lend us his beautiful Bookclubbing Guide. We believe that everybody can find something useful in it. So please, read on.

Bookclubbing Guide by RainerSalt

In my time here on Wattpad, I've been a member of various book clubs, and I have enjoyed that. The following are some totally subjective and personal thoughts on how to get the best out of them. It's a little story in itself, told by a fictional new book club member, Janice__077:

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The neon sign formed the letters BOOK CLUB, and it bathed the sidewalk in a lovely, turquoise light. The club's door stood wide open. The bouncer at its side—a monument of a man in a beige suit—wore dark glasses, but he looked friendly enough.

Why not, thought Janice__077 and made for the door. As she expected, the suit stopped her for inspection.

"May I see your profile and your story, please? We wouldn't want to let in anybody who doesn't adhere to the Wattpad guidelines now, would we?" he asked with a kind smile.

Janice__077 handed him her tablet with a faint smile and watched him screen her work, frowning slightly in concentration. He handed it back after a few minutes and moved to the side. "You might come in." He gestured for her to enter. She did.

A faint and pleasant fragrance of coffee and paper welcomed her inside. Men and women of various age, clothing, and race were sitting at small tables. They were all interacting with their smartphones, tablets, or laptops.

A man looked up and smiled at her. With a gesture, he invited her to sit at an empty table next to him.

She didn't know anyone here, and he seemed harmless enough. Returning his smile, she walked over and took a chair.

He nodded and offered his hand. "I'm RainerSalt." His subdued voice was almost a whisper.

"Janice__077," she said, and they shook hands.

"You're new here?"

"Yes." Janice__077 opened her handbag and fished out her tablet. She unlocked it and placed it on the table in front of her. Wattpad app was running in the foreground, displaying her book's blurb page.

RainerSalt pointed his chin at it. "Did the bouncer check your book before he let you in?"

Janice__077 nodded "Yes, shouldn't he?"

"Well, that depends on the club." Rainer pressed his lips together and briefly raised his eyebrows, blowing air through his nostrils. "Some clubs, like this one, do. It can help." He shrugged as if dismissing a thought. "Are you new to book clubs?"

Janice hesitated but finally decided for honesty. "Yes, I am." Hot blood flushed her cheeks.

"No problem." He smiled again. "Want some tips?"

"Yes, please." She nodded eagerly.

RainerSalt moved back in his seat. His face brightened, and he waved his hand in a gesture encompassing the people in the room. "Lots of members here. You'll read their books, and they'll read yours... the first few chapters, at least. That depends on the club."

"That's awesome!" Janice__077's hands reached for her tablet, but she realized that it would be rude to start reading now. With an effort, she forced them back to her lap.

"I know you're eager to get started." He caressed the keys of his laptop with his fingers. "I won't keep you for long. Just some words. You'll be giving critique, and that's not easy. And you'll be criticized, which may be even harder."

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