Silvia Krpatova

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I'm a dreamer, and an incurable romantic. I think it reflects in my stories-- they are all about love. Love, friendship, new beginnings and second chances, the things that the real life offers us very little of. I'm an insatiable reader too, getting lost in books is my favourite pastime, just like writing.

For the Book Club, Silvia has submitted her story, Let it Snow!

Nora, a young woman not quite content with the direction her life had taken, decides to take a step back and restart from the beginning

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Nora, a young woman not quite content with the direction her life had taken, decides to take a step back and restart from the beginning. Leaving her city life behind, and turning a deaf ear to the advice of her very unsupportive and never-happy-with-her family (a stepmother, and two older stepsisters), she comes to live into a small, medieval spa town, where she inherited a tiny cottage set on a castle grounds.
 She only hopes to find a job, possibly as a guide in the wonderful castle she loves, to be able to make ends meet...
However, she finds much more than that, waiting for her here-- a new life, entirely different from her previous one, happy memories of her childhood and teenage years, friendship, and maybe love.

Things to look out for while reviewing my story: 

English is not my first language so I'd welcome help with grammar and errors in writing in general :)And, I love long sentences and descriptions so I'd like to know how they feel to the readers.


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