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Watty winner 2018, shortlisted 2021, one book traditionally published with another (hopefully) on the way. Primarily a writer of scifi and fantasy with occasional excursions into dark thriller territory.

For the Book Club, Reffster submitted his story Section F: The Arse-Kickers

Defenceless, its heroes all gone, the world faces a new threat from the unlikeliest of sources

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Defenceless, its heroes all gone, the world faces a new threat from the unlikeliest of sources.

Desperate times call for desperate measures and desperate measures call for Section F. But even with their world-saving and/or carb-handling credentials, Agents Peregrine and Fields can't tackle this situation on their own. They're going to have to find new heroes. And, just maybe, give the definition of the term something of a stretch..

When reading and reviewing his story, Reffster has the following request:

General editing tips, does the story flow, is it enjoyable? Also, as the book is (sort of) a sequel, are the characters of Fields and Peregrine sufficiently well developed for new readers?


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